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Dom stares at the ground with his arms on his knees until he sees a hand hold his smiling tearfully at margo who wipes his tears away and gently curls a strand of hair making him sit her on his lap, they grab and hold each other's hands while he carries her and catches up with everyone else who also took a moment to try to understand some of what has happened. You and the group walk to the hospital that shira and ajani found out about that was a few miles away, you stop when you see multiple bodies feeling your heart just break knowing that these people had loved ones who didn't know they were gone, closing your eyes for second before walking again until you noticed a familiar flower next to a hand slowly moving debris and gasping when you see that it's margo's mom, you look and slowly find her uncle, dad, cousins, sister, aunt, and brother which makes you burst into tears of what would happen to her when this chaos was over and everyone was treated, you walk on shaking as sobs wreck through your soul and body feeling sorry and worried for margo hoping she was safe and only with minor injuries as you stop and sit on the ground crying until little hands touch her face making you cry more as you hug and hold avi in your arms even when you felt somewhat okay to continue. They manage to reach the hotel, carefully climbing and getting in a window on the first floor walking upstairs and finding bodies covered by sheets and blankets as they make their way to the roof where they saw other people as they walked up to the front of the hotel, they make it to the roof to see quite a few people and dom stands next to an Italian man who spoke English and told him how big the earthquake and the tsunami was which takes his breath away as he looks over to see the island in shambles hoping that you were somewhere in the hotel, he starts feeling the pain in his leg, side, arm, and neck being sat down by a couple who slowly treat his cuts "Looking for someone you lost?" he nods as she takes time and care on each cut and wound bandaging them precisely "I'm dom" margo hides behind him as she smiles and tells him her name's chioma and she had lost her husband Ifechi in the second wave and she came to the hotel with her newfound friend ida who met during the chaos of the first wave hitting the island, she smiles at margo who looks at her traditional jewelry and traces the patterns until she fell asleep. You walk on until you suddenly feel drained and fatigued, gently putting avi down and run ahead throwing up behind a tree and walking a few steps before fainting which makes everyone run to you in worry, ajani picks you up and runs through the hospital doors, everyone else helped others get in and find their loved ones while a doctor examines and treats you, managing to find that you had a head injury that needed you to have surgery to treat after rechanging the bandages and wheeling you away quickly to what would be the first of quite a few surgeries you would have for the next while in the hospital, they all talk to ajani and wait with each other in between helping others in any type of need. Dom notices a man in a uniform that turned out to be a military officer who was offering everyone to be taken off the island for treatment and to help find their loved ones, chioma and ida hug dom and margo bye, the only ones left on the roof other than the two of them were five other people who were determined to find their loved ones for themselves and alive no matter how much pain they were in and despite the slim odds of anyone else being alive after the chaos that happened and changed all of your lives.

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