Wonderful news

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You both make a little gift for Margo to tell her the news about the baby, you were nervous as she walks in the room after asking her to come in the room. She sees the gift on the bed and at first tilts her head looking at it as Dom records her and you both giggle at her behavior until she sits on the bed and slowly opens the gift seeing the stuffed animal which she grabs and holds as she looks at the shirt in the box that was your older sister's shirt when your mom told her about having a younger sibling so you decided to carry on the adorable tradition as she looks up at the two of you with her hands on the side of her face and squealing happily as she runs and hugs you, making you smile and laugh as you kiss her head before she hugs dom who picks her up "Are you excited for a sibling?" she nods excitedly making you both laugh. You both slowly make gifts for everyone else and both of you plan visits to tell each of them first starting with Angie and Rey who reads the cards you got them and they both look at the two of you in shock with angie crying and hugging you while rey has the biggest grin excited to be a grandfather, you both go to Aalyah's next with a small box and hand her the gift and she tears up as she reads the necklace out loud immediately hugging the two of you while crying in joy to be an aunt, you both met up with finn at the gym and he reads the words engraved in the bandana which said "Bodyguard uncle" which makes him suddenly hold his head in his hands as he chuckles gently shaking dom like he does when him and the other three members and friends are happy and he hugs you still in shock, the two of you give damian a leather jacket that had the words "Tio damian" above the pocket on the left side which makes him laugh in joy as he gently hugs you and says how proud he is of dom, you tell your mom and sister with a ice cream cake that had "Special treat coming in March!" they then open the little envelopes with ultrasound pictures inside and both cry as they hug you and say how proud they were and how they were absolutely thrilled for you and dom, and finally you give rhea a crafted title belt with the initials WBA aka world's best aunt and the judgement day wings and scale with a sunflower on one end and the ultrasound picture on the other end making her squeal and tearfully hug both of you gently touching your belly. You both announce the news to other wrestlers and fans on Instagram who show all their endless affection and support for the two of you, you lay in bed watching Little house on the prairie with margo laying next to you with her head on your belly until you see her asleep, taking a picture and sending it to the group chat with the judgement day with the caption "She already loves the baby so much 🥺" they call you on facetime, quietly you flip the camera down to margo asleep next to your belly making them all melt into puddles until you start dozing off, you hang up and fall asleep with your arms wrapped around margo and your belly when dom walks in smiling big and takes a picture and sending it to his parents and aalyah before changing his clothes, he smiles at the text from aalyah that said "Oh my god that's so sweet" he kisses your belly and margo's forehead before laying next to you, gently wrapping his arms around you after you turn on your side, he wraps his lower arm around margo feeling a surge of love throughout his body as he falls asleep with three of the most important people in his life safely in his arms.

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