Gender reveal

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Everyone was so excited as they each went down to the rental house where the gender reveal party would be. You and Dom found out the gender four days earlier and the two of you were bouncing on your toes to have the party and tell everyone, you both along with Pepper's help plan and get things ready and you both woke up with big smiles as you got ready laughing at a very excited and waiting Margo who was thrilled to be having a younger sibling but also to find out what it would be, you all talk and have lunch together outside before taking votes from everyone having a lot of people vote boy and some girl as you and dom wink and smirk at each other as time went on and closer to telling everyone, after pepper let's everyone know it was time to find out they all gather around as you hand margo a confetti popper and standing together ready to finally get the news out. You all count down and right after three, the poppers explode and everyone cheers at the pink smoke and confetti in the air and on the ground, you were overjoyed to have two girls and dom was purely on cloud nine by it as well as everyone hugs the two of you and all of you take pictures together and post the pictures on social media warning tons of showering support from fans and other wrestlers, "You're gonna have a sister margo!" you laugh as Rhea scoops a laughing and happy margo in her arms while damian pulls you in a gentle warm hug and Rey hugs dom saying how proud he was of him and how he will be an even more amazing dad than he already was to margo, you are pulled into a hug by Angie who tells you how glad she was that dom had you and you were the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with. You all celebrate and you take both gender reveal and maternity pictures having margo and dom in majority of them and you couldn't wait to get them later that week as you say goodbye and head home after helping clean up and spend a little bit with each of your friends and family before heading home, you all eat dinner and slowly get ready for bed after doing a bit of laundry and dom washes dishes downstairs, you were combing your hair when margo stands beside you "Wow" you giggle as you look down at her while dom walks upstairs and stands in the doorway watching the two of you "What baby?" she puts her hands on your belly and kisses it "You're beautiful and I can't wait to meet sissy" you stop and look at her with the most heartfelt and emotional look on your face "Sweetie you're gonna make me cry, you're beautiful too" you hold each other's hand and kiss her forehead. Dom tickles and kisses margo's face as she giggles and wraps his arms around you for a few minutes before you both laid down and share a kiss before you were asleep as dom rubs your belly and margo whispers to the baby "I love you sissy" he smiles as he kisses your belly and margo's nose before they ended up asleep a second later.

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