The rumble

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You and dom go to the market to get surf boards, remembering the few you saw when you both first went all around the market on your first day. You are looking at jewels when you hear a voice next to you "You're one of the only few women I've seen pull off the short hair" you turn to see a man who had to have been in his early 40's with a basket of wood carvings of animals, people, and many other things "Thank you my name's Y/N" he smiles as you shake each other's hands "Ajani pleased to meet you deary" you notice the distinct and clear Jamaican accent in his voice when you feel something in your hand, looking down to see a small wood craving of a man and woman smiling until you look closer realizing it was you and dom which makes you look up in surprise and giggle happily as he laughs and shares a hug with you as he walks away with a dog following behind. You find dom who carries the boards as you walk to the beach, waving to a man working on his roof as you tell dom about ajani and showing him the wood carving he gave you which makes him smile in awe as he holds it before you run back in the house and put it on the nightstand before running back out and getting to the beach, the two of you carry your boards out until the water hit below your knees quickly getting and laying on your boards, paddling out then standing shakily that made you both fall off a few times during your first few tries until a local who watched your last turn gave you tips and soon you were both surfing under a wave before being washed up and high five as you walk before turning around and paddling out again, you suddenly felt a churning and unbearable feeling in the pit of your stomach. You were walking to put your board down and dry off as dom was doing when all of a sudden there's a loud noise that rips through the air and everywhere starts to rumble and shake uncontrollably knocking you both off your feet hearing screams as the two of you crawl to each other and run to get indoors realizing it was an earthquake, as the two of you get a few feet away from the house you see the man on the roof try to stay atop but falls and lands on the ground with his hammer in his neck which makes you scream and dom's senses heightened as he grabs you and you both see the house partially destroyed making you both more aware and the grip on each other tighten as you both look around for better shelter when it stops which leaves both of you confused and nervous until you suddenly saw a woman run from the beach looking very terrified not knowing what would be next as more people run and the next thing you see is the wall of water heading for the two of you. You both start running top speed while having a death grip on each other's arms hearing the crashing of buildings, the screams and cries of people before getting swept in the water, and the loud roar of the water rushing throughout the island, you both run even more when you see people in trees and on top of roofs of buildings that were still standing after the earthquake being the last thing you saw before the water crashes into the two of you and sweeps you underwater.

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