One year anniversary

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You feel anxiety overflowing as the plane lands and you walk in the airport, you feel tears brim in your eyes when you see the familiar trees and view of the sky that the three of you hadn't seen in so long. Everyone who was in the tsunami was returning to the island for the first year anniversary of what happened along with family members of those who didn't survive, you all shakily walk around as you see rebuilt houses, the roads cleaned of any debris, and the market place full of people like it was when you were there a year before, tears slowly flow as you see everything and find the house you and Dom had stayed in bringing back every memory you had tried hard not to overtake your mind as dom squeezes your hand while he holds Margo's with the other and you carry Callie with your other hand, you all slowly walk around the whole island, finding and showing each other the spots you were at when the two of you were separated and tearfully showing margo where you had found her family as you hold her in your arms until you all slowly made your way completely around. You all see everyone at the beach together, you walk down smiling tearfully when you see Ajani with his family followed by the rest of your friends with their families as well who thank you both for risking your lives to save their loved one making you both cry more and you become a part of their families even more than you all already were, you meet others who survived the tsunami and loved ones of those who didn't make it giving your truest and sincerest apologies for their loss before everyone slowly stands in front of the water to tell their own stories of how they survived, you cry as all your friends go up and tell their own stories before and after what changed all your lives forever, you hug each of them tightly after and when dom goes up carrying margo on his hip you knew you would be a mess. "After I fell from the roof, I managed to grab and hold on to a tree and I heard whimpers above me and when I looked up it was her hugging the tree as hard as she could until I got up and she just jumped in my arms and held onto me" you shake as quiet sobs escape you as he continues speaking and margo holds his hand as she speaks, saying how her mom Amelia had climbed while carrying her and put her in the three before she fell back in the water and got swept off leaving her in the tree alone until dom came and stayed by her side after, you hug them tightly before going up with callie in your arms, you slowly sob as your story goes on looking down at callie and kissing her forehead "In that moment when I grabbed the street light.. I thought my life was over, I thought I lost the man I loved and I would be alone...but then each of the wonderful friends I met during this tragedy came into my life and helped me, I didn't believe that my husband and the sweet little girl we met was alive until I saw all my friends in the hall and I knew I wasn't dreaming, so much has changed for me since then...I married the man I knew I couldn't live without and am very deeply in love with, we adopted the little girl who lost her family and needed us, and we have another little girl that we never expected to have in our life but we know we can't live without". You smile as more tears flow down your face "This past year has not just changed a lot including myself and my life, it changed how much I love the people in my life, how I cherish everything I have, how I always say I love to everyone I care for, how harder and tighter I hug them, and how I see the world" everyone cheers after you finish sharing a loving kiss with dom and a tight hug with margo while dom holds callie to him with tears of their own flowing down their faces as all your friends hug you, you all take pictures and walk down the beach side by side as you each heal and slowly move on from an event that changed all your lives and intertwined everyone together for eternity but you all were going to make sure that the aftermath would be the beautiful and unforgettable part as you all became and from that point on family.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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