First day home

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Dom smiles when he sees you looking out the window while holding Callie in your arms, you were talking calmly to her while he finished packing things up. The previous day, you were told that you would be released and allowed to go home which made you both happy, while you were still in the hospital, slowly recovering, and getting used to the big scar across your body that added to the ones you already had for months, Shira came into town and helped the two of you by staying at your house with Margo while Rey and Angie were out of town for one of his matches, you sit on the hospital bed and sign the paperwork while dom buckled callie in her seat and after giving the papers to the nurse and a final check of the both of you, you both walked out to the car and you buckled callie's seat in the car when dom's phone rings and the two of you talk to his parents before rey went out for his match. You sit in the back with callie as dom drives, you fall asleep for a little bit waking up the last few minutes of the drive seeing a excited and overjoyed margo through the screen door running around the living room which makes you both laugh quietly as you carefully carry callie in her seat with dom carrying the overnight bag over his shoulder in front of you "Look who's home hon" shira hugs both of you as avi waves at the two of you happily finishing string cheese while margo twitches on the couch in excitement, you smile watching shira hold callie and help avi hold her in his arms as he looks in awe at her, "I missed you mama" you smile big as you hug and hold margo tightly, she smiles as dom picks her up and spins around as she laughs "We missed you more nuestra linda flor" she sits back down as dom gently holds callie and puts her in margo's arms, you take pictures and both of you feel warmth throughout your bodies seeing her light up and gently kiss callie's forehead, you go upstairs and shower after saying goodbye to avi and shira while dom stayed in the room with the girls. You all go to sleep and even though you knew you wouldn't get tons of sleep, you surprisingly only woke up once not because cal was crying but because you felt that you had to check on the three just to be sure everything was okay, you smile seeing margo sleep on dom's chest and callie asleep next to you in her crib a foot away, you wake up to hear whispering looking over to see dom laying next to you with callie on his chest having skin to skin as margo laid asleep cuddled up to you, you take a picture of the two and send it to your friends and family who are all melt at the adorable sight saying that he was already the best dad to both the girls, you gently turn over and smile as you tuck a small strand of hair behind his ear and caressing his cheek, you both share a kiss before margo wakes up and having breakfast already enjoying the serene and calmness of your first day at home, you sit on the couch holding callie while dom and margo were outside gently shaking your head seeing margo jump on dom's shoulders as he yells out and tickles her.

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