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You felt nervous but excited, everyone who has survived the tsunami was reuniting at a park and you both knew you would see your beloved friends that helped you and you helped along the way. You went to the bathroom while Dom and Margo went down just a bit while waiting for you, "I was wondering what happened to you little one" they look to see Chioma a few feet away making them both smile as margo hugs her and dom shares one with her right after "Chi! Hi" she smiles bigger seeing you and after sharing a hug she gently touches your bump just as Jake comes along "So this is the pretty lady you talked about so fondly" dom laughs as he hugs jake as do you before you all walk down to where everyone else was immediately being spotted by ida and ajani who both are surprised by your big belly and happy seeing margo with the two of you. You are pulled into a gentle hug by ajani while ida shares one with dom and gives margo a flower, soon you are all surrounded by each and every one of your friends you survived with and got to see Pepper's baby named Kyle and her two older children Jim and Danielle who are in awe of your baby bump and become immediate friends with margo warming everyone's heart by them playing and jim kissing margo's knee when she falls down and has a small scrape, after awhile you all take pictures and leave the park, heading to the rental house ida, chioma, and ajani were staying in for dinner as a family and all of you invited your families as well, margo cheers when rey, angie, and aalyah arrive as everyone does different things while pepper and chioma cook inside, you and dom introduce each of them to everyone and the three hug each of them as tears flowed down their faces thanking them for saving all three of you and helping bring margo into all of your lives making you cry as well due to your hormones. After laughing and talking, you all grab plates and sit down at the long table eating and feeling such a warm sense of safety, warmth, acceptance, healing, and unconditional love as you talk to all your friends and tell them while they were all here, they would be able to be at both your gender reveal party and wedding which made them all cheer and each hug you as well as feeling your bump before continuing dinner and spend time together inside after cleaning up and wrap up leftovers knowing you wanted more of the homemade fufu chioma made, you lay on the couch talking to Lena "Any names chosen?" you giggle as you rub your belly "We have a few, for boy we are choosing between Dominik jr, Hugo, and Leon, for girl it's between Calliope, Mariana, and honor of margo's mom" lea smiles at the big hearted action. Later on while watching tv, deciding to stay the night at the house with your friends since you were all very tired from the big wonderful day seeing margo gently lay next to you in bed noticing the look on her face "Are you okay?" she looks up at you with tears in her eyes "I heard you earlier and.. I still love my family and miss them but I know they would want me to be happy but" you wipe her face as she talks feeling your heart break at seeing her cry "Your my mama and daddy is my dad" before she can even finish, you gently pull her to your chest as she cries for a bit before laying her head on your bump as dom walks in having heard the last bit with tears in his eyes, he grabs and holds margo and wraps his arm around you after laying down "I love you my girls with all my heart" you all smile as tears flow down your faces as margo leans her head up "I love you mama and daddy" you both shower margo in kisses making her squeal and giggle before all cuddling up and watching Big Fish together.

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