Welcome to the world

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You were ready to have the baby and you hoped that it would be in a few days if luck was on your side, you felt pain in your hips and legs only getting up to walk if you had to use the bathroom or check on Margo. You were watching tv when you felt the urge to pee and you wince at the little bit of pain as you slowly get up to go to the bathroom while Dom and margo were downstairs cleaning up from dinner, but all of a sudden you heard a splash and looked down to see water and fluid on the floor and your feet making your eyes widen and your heart race right before you quietly wince at the strong pain surging through you as you carefully clean the puddle up and time your contractions as you pack your hospital bag and groan in pain while leaning on the bed "Baby! We gotta go" tears flow down your face as you zip up the bag and dom walks in helping you change your clothes "Don't worry we'll be okay" you all leave and had to stop twice so you could throw up in between heavily breathing to get through contractions that were 9 minutes apart. You call his parents on the way who immediately meet you at the hospital to watch margo while you and dom were in the room waiting as the next hour passes being a couple centimeters along but after two hours it was decided that you would have a C-section which terrified you but you knew it was the only way, you giggle for a few minutes at dom dancing in the hospital scrubs he was wearing to be in the room with you before stopping and taking a deep breath as they put the needle in to numb you before they start, you hold dom's hand as the numbing begins to take affect and after making sure you were numb they begin the surgery and you feel anxious as they work but you smile when dom leans down and hums in your ear. You hold your breath when you feel tons of pressure throughout but when you suddenly hear a cry break through the silence, you are a quiet crying mess as the nurses clean your daughter off and hand her to dom who immediately is in awe and love with tears flowing down his face, he gently holds her next to you face as you smile before he leaves the room with her while they finish and sew you up showing her to his parents, margo, and Aalyah who arrived after you were in the or, he holds her before handing her to his mom who is in awe while you are wheeled in the room feeling tired and sore but you only wanted to hold your daughter before you fell asleep for awhile. After Rey and margo hold her, rey hands her to you and you smile as you hold her in your arms and connect your foreheads while pictures are taken in between all of the moments, dom sends some of the pictures to your friends who had been wondering about you and the baby, none of them knowing the news of her being born and they were all overjoyed that you were both healthy and okay while you slept and margo with him and aalyah's help holds the baby, you get quite a few visitors while in the hospital the first three being judgement day who all are wrapped around your daughter's finger "What did you name her guys?" you both smile big while looking at them "Callie Natalia Mysterio" they all smile sweetly at the name as you watch damian smile with tears in his eyes while holding callie.

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