1. Can you switch our souls ?

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" New don't beat around the bush and come straight to the point. You went out even though you knew I was upset about it ", Tay yelled at his boyfriend in the middle of the corridor.

New looked around at the people staring at them. He quickly held only Tay's hand and dragged him along with him.
Once they were at a secluded place New said ,

" You said I should do whatever I want ! I had to finish that project for my grades, what did you expect me to do ?"

" Don't act dumb , I just said that in the situation, doesn't mean you actually do it. Now be honest about what you did at his house. I am being really patient with you ", Tay said and New looked at Tay not being able to believe the situation.

" I have a question for you , what do you think I did there? ", New asked as Tay held his collar.

" Don't play with me and start talking or..", Tay stopped there.

" Or what ?", New asked challengingly.

Tay stepped back and smirked at New's sudden confidence. Suddenly Tay pulled New to an empty classroom and locked the door.

" Your last chance to tell the truth ", Tay said.

" What the hell is wrong with you ?", New said.

" And you lost your chance ", Tay said as he pinned New's hand on the wall and started kissing him.

New made an unsuccessful attempt to get Tay off of him but failed. Slowly Tay worked his way to New's neck and by now even New was getting aroused. New only got back his senses when his clothes were all off of him.

" Tay stop ", New said as he felt Tay's fingers moving inside him to loosen up.

" Yeah , no ", Tay whispered in his ear as he took out his fingers and inserted his thing.

" You need to be punished for being a bad boy ."


" I still don't get why I am tied here ", James said as he heard New tell about what happened between him and Tay.

" You'll run away from here if we let you go", Gun commented while sitting on the bed and pondering about what to do.

" At least that means he cares for you , mine couldn't even bother about my existence ", Win said.

" What did he do now ?", New asked.

" Let me go !!", James yelled again.

" Silence , it's my turn to speak ", Win said and James got quiet.


" Here ", Win said as he handed a box of chocolates to Bright. Bright looked at it confused and then asked ,

" Why so suddenly ? Do you want something ?"

" What do you mean why ? Did you forget ?", Win asked.

" Ummm no , of course not. We should get some food after school ", Bright quickly covered up.

" We would but first tell me what it is today", Win asked.

" Anniversary of course , I don't forget that anymore ", Bright said immediately.

" It's my birthday ", Win said depressed.

" Why are you giving out chocolates to me on your birthday ?", Bright asked confused.

" I distributed it in the class , of course I'll give it to you as well. What's wrong with you ? How can you forget my birthday ? You clearly don't know when the anniversary is as well ", Win said.

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