6. Can't I be forgiven ?

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" Look at this guy smiling ear to ear , just how good did the date go ", New commented as he observed James.

"I get why people like to date now ", James said.

" Good you learnt something new , now can we get details ?", Gun asked.

" Well for starters he told me he was sincere and all the other things. Then we went to an amusement park. It was so fun. Like the time we went back then ", James said.

" Speaking of that , it's been a while since we all went out. Let's do that tomorrow ", Win said.

The next day all of them set out. They headed for the beach. They rarely went there but every time they did it was always loads of fun.
The boys got themselves a good spot and put on their sunscream. Obviously a lot of people stared at the beautiful collection of boys but the four ignored it with grace. They were having fun catching up when at last a group of guys found the courage to go to them.

" Are you guys here alone ?", They asked. The boys looked at each other till Gun spoke up ,

" Friends out ."

" Wanna do something fun ? We are pretty big and good at it ", one of them said a smirk.

" No thank you we all are taken ", New said.

" You are adorable ", the guy said to New.

Cute and me ? Oh wait I am in Gun's body. New thought.

"No thank you ", Win said as they started showing clear signs of discomfort.

" Oh come on ", one of them said as they grabbed onto James. His hand was pushed away and he found himself in the sand.

" What the hell dude ", the other said as they got beaten up as well till they had to run away.

"P'Mos ", James said.

" Long time no see", Mos said turning back to James and the trio.

" Ok , you know him , so who is he ?", Win asked looking at James.

" He is my older brother , that is not supposed to be here ", James said staring at Mos.

" Are you still salty because of what i did?", Mos asked as he came closer to James who rolled his eyes.

" Ok , new question , what did he do ?", Gun asked.

" So basically if you are on Earth you are either a high level god or banished. I am the latter. Though mine is a temporary banishment all cause of him", James said as he angrily looked at Mos.

" I am sorry , now I am a high level god though ", Mos said.

" Congratulations !", James said sarcastically.

" Can we get details ?", New asked.

" He entered a banished zone and blamed it on me cause he was giving an examination for the title of a high level god. I was banished and he got more glory for banishing me even though I was his brother. people said that he was a true follower of our law , not even his brother could go against it", James said pouting.

" So he is equivalent to a piece of shit", Win concluded.

" Oh come on ! I am really sorry. Genuinely ", Mos said but didn't get any sympathy from the friends.

" We appreciate your help so you can leave now ", Gun said.

Mos wasn't leaving so they only decided to head somewhere else. Mos got the point and left for the time being. He met them again later when they were done with their food.

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