7. Words aren't killing anyone

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" He didn't go"

" They definitely have some friction between them "

The whispers started again. Gun had kept earplugs in his ears with loud music to avoid being distracted by any of the stares and whispers.

He suddenly felt someone yank them out of his ear. He looked up to see a furious Bright.

" Oh hi ", Gun said a bit shocked.

" I have been calling for so long , what didn't you reply ?", Bright asked with patience.

" Sorry , I was wearing this", Gun said pointing at the earplugs and pausing the song he was listening to.
Bright sits down with his food next to Gun.

" Is something wrong , you didn't come today as well ", Bright asked a bit nervous.

Great I forgot to ask Win when all of his games were. Gun thought as he came up with excuses.

" Sorry , I forgot again ", he said like usual.

" You must be studying too much , you are forgetting a lot nowadays ", Bright said.

" So did you win ?", Gun asked.

" Ok seriously what's wrong with you ?", Bright said.

" I didn't have a match today , I was just bluffing. You don't remember anything right", Bright yelled a bit making everyone look at the couple.

A panting New(Win) was seen. He walked to Gun and grabbed his hand.

" I am borrowing him for a second ", New said and pulled Gun away.

" What happened ?", Gun said when they reached a more private environment.

" I am sorry , I forgot to tell you today is Bright's birthday. Here take this ", Win said as he handed Gun Bright's gift.

" No wonder he was getting upset, thanks ", Gun said.

Gun walked back to Bright who was angrily stuffing his mouth.

" The birthday boy shouldn't be so upset you know ", Gun said softly as Bright's face lit up.

Gun kept his present on the table as Bright smiled.

" You didn't forget ", Bright said as he hugged Gun.

All the guys that were whispering stopped cause the scene made all their words petty rumours.

" I don't forget such things ", Gun said.

" I thought you were taking revenge for me forgetting your birthday ", Bright said as he kept hugging Gun.

Right , he forgot Win's birthday. Gun randomly thought as Bright pulled away from the hug.

" I'll pick you up at 5 , my parents are gonna be home to celebrate ", Bright said.

Gun nodded a yes.


" Should I go with this or this ? ", Gun asked Win while getting ready to go to Bright's house.

Win seemed lost in thought while Gun was busy. On getting no reply Gun turned to the lost Win.

" What's wrong ?", Gun asked.

" Hey , make an excuse don't go to Bright's birthday", Win said all of a sudden.

Gun was confused and sat down infront of Win to listen to the reason.

" Why ?", Gun asked.

" His parents don't like me ", Win said silently.

" That's fine , I can handle it trust me", Gun said to reassure.

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