15. Faster

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Bank kept on kicking on the cage but he only got shocks in return. He was losing hope when the cage suddenly dismantled.
Bank was so confused but his eyes widened when he looked at the person who saved him.

" Why are you here ?", Bank asked seeing James.

"My banishment is over , I can be here ", James said.

" You know damn well that isn't what I am talking about. Why did you come back? Why are you giving into Mos' irrelevant demands. He'll only grow worse if you give him what he wants", Bank said.

" I have no choice , I need to save my friends. If P'Mos wants me back , I'll do it ", James said.

" Don't act crazy ! Go back ! ", Bank said.

" P'Bank please summon P'Mos here. I want this pointless revenge to come to an end. He can have me , I don't care", James said as Bank stared at the boy confused.

" I don't care either. Go back. I won't give you to Mos ", Bank said as he tried to push James away but he wouldn't budge.

" Shouldn't we let him make his own decisions ?", A voice called out and they both turned in fear.

" P'Blue ", James said slowly. The handsome man in front of them was James' fiance.

" Long time no see James. I thought I would never see you again", Blue said as he walked closer to the duo. Bank pulled James behind him.

" Leave ", Bank said assertively.

" I am not gonna hurt him ", Blue said as he glitched behind James and pulled him away from Bank.

" What are you doing ?", James asked.

" Sending you back ", Blue said as James' eyes widened.

" I want to stay ", James said all of a sudden.

" Why ? Why do you want to stay ?", Blue asked.

" I realised , I like you. That's why I am back", James said.

" James , you are the most perfect man I have ever known, I really love you so please don't do this to me. I am not delusional , I know you love someone else. Just be with the person you actually love ", Blue said looking deep in James' eyes.


Gun was woken up with water splashed to his face. He passed out in the dark room.

" You are so weak why bother to go against me. I really don't get it. Do you like being a cheater?", Off asked.

Gun looked at Off with a broken expression before saying ,

" Do you know why I act like that ?", Gun asked.

" Why ?", Off asked.

" Because I am tired of being tormented by my past mistakes. I didn't love you then !", Gun yelled in Off's face.

Off scoffed and stared into Gun's eyes when the doorbell rang rapidly.

" You don't want to be tormented by your mistakes , then why do you make so many ?", Off said as he put a tape on Gun's mouth and tied him up.

Gun struggled , worried that it would be Win or New. Off stood at the door as the ringing continued till there was yelling. The voice was of New.

" Are you here for Gun ?", Off asked.

" Open the damn door !!", New yelled.

" Don't you realise anything at all ? He called you here on purpose ", Off said as the yelling stop.

Gun was slithering all over the floor , his muffled yells to let New go. He froze when there was no sound.

Off turned around.

" Oh if you are wondering what happened to him , let's just say Tay got to him ", Off said as he returned back to Gun's side all full of smiles.


" New , New wake up !!", Tay's sound came. New opened his eyes weakly. He was in the bed with Tay sitting at the side. New's first thought was to get up and run but he decided to stay calm.

" Why did you bring me here ? Tay I am sorry for everything I did . Please forgive me ", New said desperately.

" Did you like it when Win came back and said that I fucked him ?", Tay asked with no emotion. New didn't have any answer for it.

" Or did you like it when Off fucked you ?", Tay asked while glaring at New.

New just closed his eyes. He didn't want to face any of it.

" Don't pretend to be sleepy and leave the conversation in the middle. I know very well you aren't actually sleepy all the time. You just pretend so that there is less conflict or discussions", Tay said and New opened his eyes.

" I messed up bad , what do you want me to do ?", New asked.

" Remember the guy that fucked you up ? I'll call him here, why don't you give both of us a good time ?", Tay asked. New looked up as his eyes widened. He held onto to Tay.

" Please , I am begging you ", New said as Tay smiled and started leaning close to New.

" You better be extra good if you are asking a cut on your punishment ", Tay said.
New looked at him broken.

" I don't want that face ", Tay whispered in New's ear as New just took if his shirt.

Come on New he makes you do this all the time. Just do it again then it's all over. New thought as he started taking off his pants as well followed by Tay's clothes.

Tay didn't do anything this time , New was supposed to do everything. He got the lube out but was stopped from taking the condom.

" Do it raw", Tay said sharply.

" But you promised me ", New said.

" You promised me a lot of things as well. You broke a lot in these few weeks ", Tay said as New gave up.

He took the lube and sighed to himself before he got on top of Tay. He slightly moaned while he put the whole thing inside him and then was the hard part. Moving up and down.

" Faster ", Tay said as New started off slow.

New just listened. It was an intense session but the second the trio had decided that they would meet up with their lovers they were prepared for the worst.

After a few hours Tay finally let go of New.

" If you weren't my boyfriend , I would sell you as a sex buddy. You would get me a lot of money. But I really wanna know one thing. Why did you do all that ? I am not like Bright and Off. I love you like anything", Tay said as he looked at the exhausted figure bedside him.

" I feel there are a lot of things wrong with the way we love each other ?", New said.

" What's wrong with it?", Tay asked as he played with New's nipples.

"Why is your overflowing love for me torturing me ? I don't want love like that", New said as a tear fell from his eye.

Tay moved his hand back and glared at New's teary eyes.

" Is that so ", Tay said as he got on top of New. New tried to escape but had no energy.

" You know when I first dated you the thing you hated the most was having sex. Now look at you , you even got raped. Does sex feel good now ?", Tay asked as he instead his fingers in New.

" Mmh ahh .. please let's stop ", New said.

" How can I do that ? You did all the work today. I have too much energy to just let you go ", Tay said as he started again. Being as merciless as possible with New.

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