3. There is a reason

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Gun walked to his class and sat at the front seat like he does in all his classes. The teacher entered and he wished like everybody else.
The class started and all the students focused well. After the class Gun went to the cafeteria to get himself something. That's when he noticed weird stares. He was ignoring them at first but when it started bothering him a little too much he walked to one of the other students and asked ,

" Why are you guys staring at me ?"

" Win , did you break up with Bright ", the boy asked and Gun looked at him confused.

" No why ?", Gun said.

" He had a game in the morning , you didn't go", the boy said as a football hit their table.

All of them flinched and looked back at Bright standing there with a pissed off expression.
He walks next to who he thinks is Win and puts his arm around him.

" Are you deciding who is dating and who is not ?", Bright asked.
The guys apologized and left.

" So who won ?", Gun asked as Bright turned to him.

" Me of course. Is there a reason you didn't come ?", Bright asked.

" I forgot ", Gun said .

" Even you are forgetting things now ?", Bright asked with a slight smile.

" You aren't the only one allowed to forget ", Gun teased as he headed back to his food.
Bright joined him some time later.

Did Win really leave such a guy for a possessive creature like Tay. Gun thought as the duo silently ate their food.


The whole dinner was about how the other's boyfriend was a 10 out of 10. The debate was in full spring with bits of laughter here there. James was made the unofficial judge for it and the pressure seemed to be killing him but from time to time he loosened up as he got immersed in the trio's story telling.

" I can't believe we didn't do this any time sooner now we all got them the way we want", New said as he stuffed his face with food.

" Seriously , we could have saved so much of the time we wasted on being tormented by the wrong guy", Gun said.

" You guys really shouldn't be happy about all this ", James said with a serious tone.

" Why is that ?", Win asked.

" If you liked the other's boyfriend you would have dated them from the start. There is a reason you chose the person you chose. You can never re-create that reason again", James explained.

" Whatever ", the trio said together as James sighed. He knew , right now the trio were having the best time but he knew that they would reach the same path. Still he kept his mouth shut, it had been a while since the trio was genuinely happy. He couldn't lose it.  


" Win wake the fuck up !", New yelled as he pretty much threw Win our of the bed.

Win held his head that hit the ground and got up looking at New.

" What is wrong with you ?", Win said as he got on his feet and crawled back on the bed. It was a saturday morning that meant no classes.

" It's Tay and mine, actually yours and Tay's anniversary today. Get ready. He always comes to pick me up early ", New said as he opened Win's closet to find something good.

Win heads to the bathroom and dresses himself. New never woke up early for any reason except this one day. Cause he knew that he would probably have to go through more than 10 rounds of Tay thrusting into him if he sleeps extra today.
Win wore a white hoodie and a silver jacket on top of it paired with black pants.

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