10. Please let me go

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" Ok seriously stop , don't do that to your brother ", Bank said with strictness.

" I want him to come back ", Mos said with a pout.

" That doesn't mean you kill his friend. If you do that again then I'll break up with you ", Bank threatened and Mos got quiet.

He kept wondering what else could be done about the situation.

Meanwhile back at Earth , James couldn't help but sneeze.

" Someone must be remembering you", Gun said teasingly during breakfast.

As the two laughed Win took steps down dressed well. In front of him all the others in the house looked equivalent to beggars. It was a holiday so none of them bothered to even take a shower except for Win.

" Enjoy your date ", New said mockingly as Win walked out of the house on recieving Tay's call.

" Will this end with another harsh sex session ?", Gun asked concerned once Win had left.

" Let's see ", New commented as they had their meals.

Different from New's imagination the date with Tay surprisingly went really well. The couple first went for a small picnic followed by a movie and even to the library for some time. It was a typical , lovely, cute date between Win and Tay.
Tay was getting Win home when his phone rang.

" It's Gun ", Tay said.

Why is New calling ? Win thought.

Tay answers the call and puts it on speaker.

On call

New : Hello ?

Tay : Hi , what happened ?

New : Is New with you ?

Tay : He is , why do you ask ?

Win : What happened Gun ?

New : I have been calling you for so long , even Win called. Is your phone dead or something ?

( Win reaches for his phone but doesn't feel anything. He searched here and there till he realised)

Win : shit , I left it at the library

New : The main one we go to ?

Win : yeah !

New : I'll pick it up for you , I am close to there. Take care of your stuff.

Win : Sorry.

Call cuts.

" I can get you a new phone if you want", Tay said.

" It's fine , my old one works well. I really like it ", Win said and the topic changed.

As promised New had picked up the phone from the library. He put the password to prove that it actually was his phone.
He heads home as well after that. He was walking down the empty streets when he felt someone was following him. New looked back from time to time a bit freaked out when his phone rang. It was Tay. He immediately picked it up.

On call

Tay : Your boy has been safetly transferred back home .

New : Thank you so much , I appreciate the help.

Tay : Are you coming back ? It's fine if you didn't find New's phone , I'm planning to give him a new one.

New : Too bad I found it. I should be home soon. I have to walk back , no cab here for some reason.

Tay : Yeah , it gets quite around here after 9. If it's a hassle I can pick you up and drop you back. I am on my way back anyway.

( New laughed at the offer as he turned around and freezed. He looked infront of him. An adult standing with a scary smile. The man had a knife in his hand. He holds the knife up and indicates he is gonna stab New. New just stares in fear. The man continued to smile as he takes a step forward while New moves back.)

Tay : Hello ?

New : ......

( The man tells New to answer)

New : Yeah sorry for that I got lost for a moment.

Tay : No worries , so up for the ride ?

( The man shows a thumbs down while still pointing the knife at New )

New : I'm good

Tay : Gun are you alright ? Idk why you sound terrified. Quite similar to how New sounded when he desperately needs help.

( New's eyes lit up at that statement. It wasn't really a common thing for him to hear Tay be so well versed with his personality that he could draw similarities even when the souls have been switch. New continues to eye the man as hope grows in his heart. Suddenly New sprints. The man yells and runs while Tay is left confused on the line. )

Tay : Hello ? Gun ???? Answer me !!!!

( New runs for his life as he turns back from time to time to see the man running behind him like a maniac. Near to tears New keeps on running away. He was terrified , why was this even happening to him? That's when he tripped and fell to the ground. He was gonna get right up but his foot was crushed under the man's foot)

" What's up cutie pie ?", the creepy guy said.

New was tearing up now , his leg seems to be broken and he had no one to save him.

" Please let me go ", New said as the man laughed.

" Who would pass on a delicious thing like you ?", The man said as he picked New up from one hand and the younger struggled and yelped in pain.

He was pulled to a small warehouse were he was thrown to the ground and ripped of his clothes.

" Now if you quietly come and fuck yourself on me this would be easy otherwise it's gonna be really hard ", the guy said.

New didn't want to do anything so he just kept still. The man sighed and walked to the boy as he forcefully spread his legs apart and inserted his thing without a care in this world. New yelled and cried out for help but no one could save him.

30 mins to the phone call Tay had arrived to the library. The phone call he had was extremely scary so he had to make sure that Gun was alright. He considered calling Off but the relation between the two hasn't been too well so he decided to go himself.
Tay was roaming in the empty street when he saw a man coming out from the warehouse.

Tay approached the man and questioned ,
" Sir have you seen a short boy here ?"

The man just said no and left quickly. Tay was confused at the quick response but something felt off. Not the way the man said it but the way the man smelled. Tay felt it was familar. Dived too deep in suspicion , Tay's eyes fall on the warehouse.
He entered slowly and his eyes widened when he saw the little naked boy on the cold ground pretty much lifeless.

" Gun !", Tay yelled as he ran to him.

New looked at Tay with blank eyes. 
Tay started to connect the dots and was gonna leave to catch the guy when New held onto him.

" Please take me away from here ", New said with tears in his eyes.

Tay sighs and takes of his jacket to cover New. Then he carries the boy to his car and drives straight to his house. He gets some spare clothes and takes New to the hospital.

" If you don't mind I'll tell the guys you are fine and staying at Off's place to talk for the night. I don't want New to be worried ", Tay said.

" I don't want them to be worried as well , thank you ", New said.

" No problem ", Tay said as he headed home.

He couldn't sleep well that night , the terrifying memory of what Gun had gone through just kept replaying in his mind.

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