17. Stop bullying him

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After the car ride Win finally reached at Off's house. He parked his car and walked to the gate where he halted.
Bright was leaning by the door whistling sweetly and staring right at Win with a smile. They made eye contact for about half a minute before Win made a run for it back to his car. Bright chased after him. Win made it to his car but was held by Bright before he could get in the car.
He didn't get how Bright got so fast.

" Bright let me go ", Win said.

" How can I possibly do that ? All my other buddies already had fun with their lovers. I don't wanna be the only one that's left out ", Bright whispered as Win tried to struggle out of Bright's grasp but failed to do so.

" How about this Win , if you listen to me then I'll help you save your friends. But you are stuck with me forever ", Bright whispered into Win's ear.

" I am not falling for such an obvious lie ", Win said as he pushed Bright back.

" Is that your excuse for backing out of saving your friends ? Your hate for me is much more than your love for them ", Bright said slowly.
Win held his collar , tears at his eyes.

" Fine , I'll stay with you. Let them go", Win said as Bright slapped him and he fell down on the ground.

" You remember how we met, Win. Let's recreate the scene to remember each other fondly again ", Bright said as he kicked Win in the stomach continuously till it was blue.

Win faintly remembered that awful memory of when he met Bright. He was being beaten up for being poor and Bright stopped by to see the commotion. The boys stopped hitting Win when Bright arrived , they recognised him from his face. Win just gave a hopeless look to Bright. Bright scanned the situation and walked forth without a care in the world. At that moment he believed that he had nothing to do with the scene going on and shouldn't meddle in others' businesses.
The next day was when Bright saw Win again giving a speech for the scholarship program. He remembered Win but didn't bother thinking too much about it.
He again came across Win being bullied in the classroom but was gonna ignore it again till one of the bullies crashed into him. After that it was world war.
The boys went flying around without a warning and Bright was spared with a fine.

Win walked past the principal's room as Bright came out after handling the situation. He looked at the boy he has been seeing so much and thought that in some way he helped him.

" Hey you , won't you thank me ? I saved you from your bullies ", Bright called out.

Win turned around with the same stone cold expression which he always gave and said,

" You only did that cause the guy bumped into you. You never intended to help me from the begining ."

With that Win left and went to class. Bright was kind of irritated by the reply but didn't think much on it. Slowly he didn't realise how he was thinking more and more about Win who he kept getting involved with.
Till one day Bright followed Win. Win went to the central park where another guy waited for him. Both the boys were smiling while looking at each other.
They had a picnic together which made Bright think they were dating. He wanted to take revenge since Win didn't thank him so he snapped their pic and uploaded it on the students group which spread like wild fire.

The next day everyone was staring at Win strangely.

" Aren't you curious why they are staring at you ?", Bright asked.

Win looked around a bit before saying ,
" It's cause of the picture you posted. I already saw it , but it seems you haven't realised what you have done."

" Why? Are you gonna go really crazy and show your dark side or something ", Bright mocked.

" Do you know Off ?", Win asked.

" Of course , he is a good friend of mine", Bright said with a smug smile.

" Well I think you guys should talk more cause the guy in the photo is his boyfriend and my best friend. Off would be here any minute to deal with this ", Win said as the door barged open.

" Who posted the picture and spread such a rumour?", Off yelled. Everyone grew silent.

" Bro , let's talk outside ", Bright said as the boys head out. There were few loud noises but most of their talk was silent.
They kind of cleared the misunderstandings that was happening cause of the picture and Bright personally apologized to Off and Gun.
After the whole clearing Bright yelled in the class.

" You couldn't tell me before that they were dating", Bright yelled.

" What are you blaming me for ? I didn't even know you took that picture besides you wouldn't believe me even if I told you. What's the point of saying anything if i know you aren't gonna take my word for it ", Win said.

" Don't play with me ", Bright said as he punched Win who bumped his head on the table.

He held his head as the pain echoed around. Bright leaned down , slightly worried.

" You alright ?", Bright asked.

" I am stronger than I look. But I guess you would know that ", Win said and got up.

Bright watched Win's figure slowly walk away out of the class. Bright couldn't help but follow him again only to reach the roof top. Another guy was there this time.

" Is this one someone's boyfriend as well", Bright questioned himself.

" Yeah , mine", Tay's voice came.

Bright turned to Tay a bit surprised. They both were hiding behind the door watching the two boys who only seemed to have eyes for the sky.

" He really has some influencial friends. One is dating Off and the other you ", Bright remarked.

" Do you like him ?", Tay asked straight forward.

" What ? No , I don't ", Bright said and Tay laughed a bit.

" If you do , don't hesitate to ask our or his friends' help", Tay said as he entered the rooftop. Bright hid back.

"New ", Tay said as the duo standing there turned around.

Bright quickly walked away from the top.
From that day , he always noticed the boy that got bullied. But one day things changed a bit.

" Ahh ", Win yelped in pain as he got kicked in the gut.

The boys surrounding him laughed out loud.
The boys kept torturing Win while the others ignored it.

" Ouch ", the boy kicking said as a book hit his head.

" Who threw that ?", He yelled while turning around.

" I did ", Bright said as he walked to the boy. The boy fixed his expression and said ,

" Did something happen?"

" Stop bullying him ", Bright said as he received a confused expression from Win.

The boys were confused but when Bright glared at them they practically ran out.
Win dusted himself off and got on his feet.

" Thank you ", he said as he was gonna leave but Bright held his hand.

" Don't be under the misunderstanding that I helped you cause I wanted to , they were annoying ", Bright said.

" Should I take it back then ? I didn't thank you last time as well. Annoyed or not , you saved me. I am wrong in not thanking you. I was just salty you didn't do it the first time", Win said.

" Someone should learn to keep grudges like you ", Bright said, Win just laughed and left.

(Author's note : I felt I wasn't giving that much of BrightWin compared to the other couples so I put in a bit of their back story to make it up)

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