19. Nice to see you brother

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" So he is the fiance ", Gun remarked once Off was cured as well.

" Nice to meet you ", Blue said and bowed.

" He is more handsome than Net What are you doing rejecting him ", Gun playfully whispers and gets hit by James. Blue laughs a bit.

" Thank you ", Blue said.

" Don't thank me , P'Net is hotter", Gun says as Blue continues to smile.

" You should take Off and go home , Win is there as well with Bright. Do you have any idea where Tay and New are. I don't sense them here ", James said.

" New came here before , Tay took him away. I don't know where ", Gun said.

" Should we split up and search ?", James asked looking at Blue.

" Are you crazy ? I am not letting you go anywhere alone ", Blue said.

" I'll leave you two to your lovers quarral ", Gun said as he barely managed to drag Off out to the car.

" He is not my lover ", James said as he makes Off float till the car to help Gun.

" For now ", Blue playfully commented on James' statement.


James and Blue were standing in front of a large home.

" If they are targeting the three's fear then I think Tay would have brought New to his house", James said.

" Tay's house ? Is he scared of the dark as well ?", Blue asked.

" No , New is afraid of having sex. He had bad trauma because of past experiences and then he fell in love with the horniest guy ever", James said as he walked to the gate.

He suddenly felt his heart race and got a step back.

" What's wrong ", Blue asked.

" He's here , P'Mos is here ", James said as he knockd on the door and it opened.

" Guess he knows we are here as well", Blue said as the duo walked in.

" Blue , I can't believe you out of all the people is helping James. Don't you want to marry him ?", Mos' voice echoed.

" I do, but he doesn't ,so I respect that", Blue said.

" Dumb decision ", Mos said as a colony of bats flew towards them.

Blue covered James as they duck from them. These weren't ordinary bats but magic sucking ones. Only gods could summon them.
The already weak James was feeling more drained and even Blue was getting low on power.

" Find your friend , I'll deal with Mos", Blue said as they went in a separate direction in hopes to find who they are looking for.

Blue carefully takes his steps as someone leaps onto him. Blue pushes the person back before he hits him.

" Tay ", New's voice said.

" Don't go near him ", Blue said as New stopped on his track.

Blue ran to Tay and punched him in the stomach to make sure he doesn't move. He can't levitate people like James so purifying Tay was gonna be hard to do if Tay kept moving.
Blue starts chanting his thing.

" What are you doing ?", New yelled as he picked up a stick.

" I am saving him , please for the sake of James let me do what I am doing ", Blue yelled as he started his magic.

" How do you know James ", New whispered to himself as he watched black smoke coming out of Tay and vanishing.

Blue took a deep breath once it was over but he couldnt relax. If he found Tay and New that means James will encounter Mos.

" Take your guy and go back home , rest of your friends are there too. Please listen to me with no questions , I need to go and help James. Trust us , I'll protect him ", Blue said as he ran out.

New was confused so he decided to follow along.


" Nice to see you brother ", Mos' voice came.

James looked at Mos with sad eyes. He knew his brother would set things up such that they would meet alone. The doors of the room were shut and locked.

" Are we really doing this ?", James asked.

" Nice to see you aren't acting weak anymore. Though you know you are weaker than me. Quite ironic cause since we were young everyone said you were stronger ", Mos said.

" They didn't count skill as a factor only the number of powers we had ", James said as he got on his guard.

His body automatically recharged to its full power.

" No point in sending those bats, I see", Mos says as he sees that James' eyes was overflowing with magic.

" Good for me , you would have a little less magic", James said.

" Why can't you just come home without doing all this ", Mos said.

" It's just as you used to say about me when we were younger , ' I always put up a fight' ", James said as he attacked with a fire bomb which was frozen by Mos the second it reached to him. The frozen bombs returned back to James as sharp spears which were dodged and kicked back to Mos.
One of them blasts on Mos' leaving it's black powder on his face.

" Strong as ever ", Mos said.

" Just fight ", James said as he charged at Mos with his sword.

Mos preferred the use of his bow and arrow. But the attacks were returned back to him by James' reflector sword.
Mos shot three arrows infront and three above.
James moved forth to get away from the trajectory of the arrow but got trapped as the arrow was aimed at the chandelier on the top. The ornaamnet was magical and formed a cage around the person under it.
James breaks through it as Mos falls back to the ground.

James slowly walks to Mos , his sword still in his hands. Mos looks at James with fear before he starts laughing.

" You liked the show ?", Mos said as he looked to his right.

James didn't remove his eyesight from Mos. That was the oldest trick in the book but worked most of the time.

" James ", Net's voice came which made James turn.

He locked eyes with Net unable to comprehend when his brother pushed him away and glitched behind Net holding him hostage.

" You can't do that ! Why did you drag him into this !!", James yelled.

" I can do whatever I want my dear brother so why don't you listen to me nicely before something happens to your lover ", Mos says.

James looks at Net conflicted on what to do. He was loosing Net either way.

" You are so unfair ! You are my brother you should be better", James yelled at Mos.

" Your younger brother card worked better when we were younger James. Right now let me play my older brother card. Listen to me. Come home ! In a few years you can give the exam as well and become a god. You'll be married to Blue and live happily. Why bound yourself to this place ", Mos said.

James seemed near to tears. He really didn't want to go but he couldn't let Net die.

" If I go with you , will you leave Net and all my friends alone ?", James asked.

" Of course , I have nothing personal with them. They are free to go ", Mos said.

" James ! I am really having a hard time understanding all of this but please just do what you want to do. Don't think about this guy holding me hostage. Listen to your heart ", Net said as James got even more emotional.

Baam !

The door blasts and a kick reaches Mos' face.

" P'Blue ", James said as Mos goes flying to one end of the room.

" No time to be emotional James , we got to fight ", He said cheerfully.

(Author's note : Last chapter will be uploaded at night. I hope you guys enjoyed reading my story.)

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