5. Who is it ? Girl or Boy ?

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New got up with wide eyes as he saw Off. He hid behind Gun who seemed to be stronger for this situation.

" Off , it's a misunderstanding. You seem angry right now so it's better you guys talk about this later. Let me take Gun home for now", Gun said holding onto New's hand.

" It's hilarious to me , how you look at me as if I am the bad guy when he was the one who did all the bad things. Did I ever cheat ? Did I ever roam around with another guy that people think that I was dating them?", Off said.

" Off , it's not like they said. Tay was there to pick up New but New didn't have class in the morning so he offered to drop me cause I was coming here", New spoke up.

" You shouldn't have said yes then. You could have called me if you wanted a ride that badly", Off said.

" You would have just said he is being too demanding then ", Gun said sharply.

" Don't act like you know stuff , why would I say that ?", Off said.

" I know more than you think. If he had to get you there , he would need to first make you jealous into thinking that he would go with Tay if you don't come. Then even when you come you'll taunt him for being a slut which he never was ", Gun said.

" Is cheating on your boyfriend not equivalent to being a slut ?", Off asked.

" You forced him , no matter how much you try to hide that fact it still stands. Gun never wanted to date you in the first place and he is bound to do such stuff to get rid of you but now when he actually starts to love you, you can't even treat him like a person. You are playing with him like an object. You only torment him with guilt so he doesn't go away. Have you considered how torn apart he feels. Do you have any idea...", Gun stops there as his voice cracks a bit, his eyes getting teary.
New looks at Gun confused.

What was he gonna say ? New thought as he hugged Gun to console him.
Off was quite at the scene.

" G- I mean Win , go home I'll talk it out with Off. Trust me ", New said as he slightly pushed Gun to the door.

Without sparing a glance at Off, Gun walks out.

" I explained everything , now you can speak", New said.

" Gun , what was he talking about ? What don't I have an idea of ? Don't tell me , the marks on your hand...", Off said.

New widened his eyes as he pulled back his full sleeves shirt and indeed there were deep marks on his skin.

Gun, why would you? New thought as he delicately touched his skin.

" Tell me , why did you do that ? I am sorry , it's not your fault. Whatever Win said was correct, everything I say was all because i wanted you to stay with me no matter what. I thought you'd try to leave again if i don't do anything else ", Off said as he got closer to New.

He put his hands on the shorter guy's shoulder and looked deep in his eyes

" Listen to me carefully. I trust you to the end of the world. I swear I do. I won't say anything bad to you ever again. Don't do this, ok ", Off said as he hugged New while crying rivers.

New was super uncomfortable but didn't push Off back. He looked forth to see the figure of Gun standing there with a smile and few tears as he watched the scene. 


" You tried to kill yourself ! Seriously !", New scolded.

" Was it really that bad ?", Win asked as he patted Gun's head.

" I just didn't want to hear it anymore, but I failed every time ", Gun said.

" Don't sound disappointed ! I would have reincarnated you and killed you again for trying to die, then reincarnated you back ", James said.

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