13. Let go and Repent

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" So Gun is actually New , New is actually Win and Win is actually Gun. Is that what you are telling me ?", Off asked while stuttering.

Tay just nodded a yes while Bright was silent.

" You ok Bright ?", Tay asked.

" I felt so guilty all day long for kissing New only to know he was Win. Why did they do this to us ?", Bright asked.

" They did it because they think that you guys are just toys they can throw away anytime. All of them made petty complaints about you all and would say the other's boyfriend was better. Then they thought , why don't we just exchange guys. And they simply changed everything to fit themselves. Now all of you are here tearing yourself apart for people you didn't even fall in love with in the first place", Mos said while the boys looked at him intently.

They couldn't believe what they were hearing but there was no better explanation to what all was happening.

" So how are we getting back at them ?", Off asked with anger.

" As a god I can tell what everyone's greatest fear is and for you all it was losing the person you loved so much. Why don't we let them experience some fear as well?", Mos asked as the boys smiled.

" I did your work as well , they must be having some friction right now ", Tay said as he showed the conversation with Net on his phone.

" I hope we all get justice by the end of this. Those boys have no right to mess with your feelings ", Mos concluded and glitched away.


On call

James : Net it really isn't what it looks like please trust me.

Net : Why didn't you tell me before ?

James : Just who sent that to you

Net : Why?  Do you want them to tell me that it's all fake?

James : I am not hiding anything , it's true we are fiances , but it's not what I have with you. I am never gonna go home and marry that guy. I really want to be with you.

Net : I don't know , I need time to think

Call cuts

The trio showed faces of distress as the phone cut while James looked near to tears.

" How did this happen ? ", Gun asked.

" It must have been Mos. That's what the feeling was about. All of you be careful , if something bad happens it's probably his doing. He can go to any lengths to get what he wants ", James said. All of them looked at New.

" Could it be , what happened with me all this time...", New stopped mid sentence.

" It was probably him. Our dooms day is near", James said.

"What should we do ?", Win asked.

Tring !

All of their phones rang at once. It was their boyfriends.

" You don't think he ?", Gun stopped as he came to a conclusion.

" We should all talk to them and make it seem normal ", Win suggested as they went to their rooms to talk on the phone.

They all returned about 15 mins later and sat in the living room.

" What did they say ?", James asked.

" They asked me to meet .." the three said together. They all looked at each other wondering if they were told the same thing.

" Meet where ?", James asked.

" The place where we had our first date ", the three finished together. They all sighed.
It was over for them.

" What should we do ?", New asked.

"Let's go and repent ", Gun said and all of them looked at him.

" They can do anything !", James yelled frustrated.

" We know , but what we did was wrong too. We shouldn't have done that to them. Gun is right we should just go and repent ", Win said.

" Then can I ask from one thing before we go ?", New asked as all of them looked at him.


Off sat at his study while mentally revising their plan. He glanced at the photo of him and Gun time to time. He picked up the photo and caressed Gun's face.

" Why did you do that ? I thought we cleared everything up. You acted all innocent and weak in front of me but in reality you were rotten to the core", Off said to himself as he threw the frame away.

He opened his closet and took out all the clothes that Gun had gifted him. He then took out all the gifts as well and burnt everything up.
Off looks at the flames engulfing all of his memories with Gun as tears fell from his face.

" Was it really just a game to you ?", Off said to himself as he watched it all burn down.

Suddenly the fire stopped and all the things were back to normal. Off looked around confused to see another figure next to him.

" Who are you ?", Off asked.

" My name is Bank , you must have met my boyfriend Mos ", Bank said, his hands in his pocket.

" What do you want ?", Off asked.

" Nothing much just wanted to rasie a small question ", Bank said.

" That is ?", Off asked.

" Do you guys really think you haven't done anything wrong ?", Bank asked with dark eyes. Off looked at the boy confused before saying ,

" What did we do wrong ?"

" I am not here to tell you that but to just make you wonder. What have you done wrong ? Why did your lovers do all that in the first place ", Bank asked.

" Cause they never loved us !", Off yelled.

" Do you really think that ? Or do you want to think that so you don't have to fix your mistakes ", Bank said.

" If we made a mistake tell us what did we do ? They pretty much made us date someone we didn't love and left us the guilt of cheating when we fell in love with their actual selves", Off said.

" Didnt you do the same to Gun ? He didn't love you as well but you forced him to love you. It's very easy to point fingers at them without seeing yourself first. You are too blinded by your own pain to see theirs in the first place ", Bank said. Off got quiet as he listened to Bank.

" So whatever they did was correct ?", Off asked.

" No , not at all. They should have just broken up with you if they were so upset. I'm not justifying their actions here , what I am trying to say is you aren't any better than them. They suffered for a long time and thought this was their way to happiness. A foolish thought but to a broken person anything can be a ray of light. I just want you to think about what pushed them to that point ", Bank said.

" Their actions aren't justified right , then they deserve to be punished just like they punished us. We are not killing them , just teaching them a lesson on how to behave. It's necessary for their growth. This will ensure that things like this don't happen again", Off said.

" What makes you think that they won't retaliate against it again and do something worse ", Bank asked.

" Because by the end of this their magician friend won't be there to help them ", Off said as Bank started to glitch.

Shit I can't stay on Earth too long. Bank thought.

" Seems like you won't be allowed to intervene much , too bad P'Mos already warned us against you ", Off said with a smile as Bank dissapeared.

( Author's note : If it confuses some people , the reason Bank couldn't stay on Earth for too long wasn't cause someone summoned him but because he wasn't a god. Technically if you aren't a god you can't enter earth unless you are banished but since he was dating Mos who was a god , he could enter Earth for some time. )

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