2. Why do you look like me ?

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Tring tring !

Win hit the clock as he woke up rubbing his eye. He felt weird. He looked down and was stunned to see he was erect.
He quickly went to the bathroom and helped himself. He washed his hands after he was done and splashed water on his face. As he looks in the mirror his eyes widen.
He was slightly shorter. His face was less sharp and more cute. He smiled to himself but then his smile dropped as he ran to the room next door.
He opened it to see the figure of Gun sleeping.

New switched to Gun. Correct guy. Win thought as he kicked the sleeping figure which woke the poor thing up.

" Ouch, what was that for ! Wait why do you look like me?", The sleeping guy said.

" Did you forget what happened yesterday ? Go look in the mirror you look like Gun ", Win said as New ran to the bathroom.

He looked at himself and delicately touched his face. He then took off his pants.

" Hahaha , I knew he was gonna be super small ", New laughed as he put his pants back on.

" Your horny ass shouldn't be commenting on that. I literally woke up erect ", Win said.

" That's what happens when you date someone who sleeps with you almost every other day. Well good luck on the rough sex. I can enjoy the luxury ", New said as he got back to his bed. Win laughed a bit when New fell on the bed.

" What ?", New asked.

" You look like the bed swallowed you. You are so small ", Win said.

" Shut up ", New said as he closed his eyes again.

Win just walked out and bumped into his own figure.

" Oh New, how did you wake up so early ?", Gun asked.

" Why are you guys so dumb ! ", Win exclaimed.

" I don't have time for your tantrums , I have class ", Gun said.

" I have an evening class ", Win said.

" I didn't ask ", Gun commented.

" You are me, smarty pants. Have you really not looked at yourself in the mirror ? You should be able to tell from the fact that you can make eye contact with me ", Win said.

Gun stomps on Win's foot.
" Ouch !", Win says.

That really hurts. I shouldn't have hit Bright like that back then as well. Win thought as he massages his foot.

" Send me your schedule ", Gun said as he goes back to his room.

Win sighs and gets ready cause New has morning class.
He dresses up and secretly picks up New's phone while leaving his at the desk beside the sleeping boy.

" Ok , I am New now . I have a possessive and caring boyfriend. I am always sleeping but still get good marks. Ok that last party is gonna be hard to pull off ", Win said to himself as he got out of his house.

He was gonna go to New's car when he heard a honk. He looked back and saw a black Mercedes.
The car stopped beside him as the windows went down. It was Tay.

" Good morning ", Win said in panic. Tay looked at him confused and then slightly laughed.

" Why are you so cute all of a sudden. Get in", Tay said as Win sat inside.

Ok this is hella weird. I am basically dating my bestfriend's boyfriend. Am I breaking the bro code ? Win thought as he looked at the road in front.

" What's wrong ?", Tay asked calmly.

" Huh ? Oh umm nothing, just got lost in thought ", Win said as he snapped out of his thoughts.

" Thoughts or dreams. You are always so sleepy during the day. You should really not play games till late at night", Tay said.

New is crazy this guy is perfect.
" Yeah maybe I'll reduce it a bit ", Win said as he looked out his window and observed the surroundings.


" Bro I just noticed something ", Gun said as he and James sat down for breakfast.

" What ?", James asked.

" Aren't we all basically cheating on our boyfriends while also breaking the bro code by dating each other's boyfriends ", Gun said as he put another spoon of cereal in his mouth.

" That oddly makes sense", James said listening intently to Gun's thoughts.

" What are you guys talking about ?", New said as he sat beside Gun still half asleep.

" Nothing special , good to see you up early", Gun said.

"It's literally 12:30. The morning ended 30 minutes ago ", James said as he placed a bowl for New.

" I woke up too early ", New said as he yawned and picked up a fork.

" That's a fork , you would be needing a spoon ", Gun said as he took the fork out of New's hand and handed him a spoon.
New just quietly scooped his food.

" Take this , it's my syllabus. And for the love of God don't sleep in class. I know you would score well in the class , but I can't let my reputation die down the drain", Gun said as he washed his dishes.

" Oh and , you should go to Off's house soon. He'll be super angry if you get late. You can do what you want there. He'll take you to class ", Gun said and New nodded still sleepy.

Gun then picked his bag and headed for college as well while New got ready and went to Off's place. Off had a whole mansion to himself. All the servants there treated Gun like a god. New hadn't been to Off's house ever so he just slept on the sofa.

Off that just got out of the shower dressed himself and called his maid.

" Hasn't Gun come yet ?", He asked a bit pissed off.

" He has come a while ago", the maid said.

" Well where is he then ? ", Off asked sarcastically.

" He seems to have fallen asleep on the sofa. The servants didn't know how to wake him up , we didn't want to touch him ", the maid said.

" You better have not ", Off warned as he walked to the living room to see the small figure of Gun all cuddled up on the sofa. Off slightly smiled as he sat on the floor admiring Gun's face.
New opened his eyes when he felt the presence of someone. He got scared the second he saw Off and panicked while Off laughed.

New awkwardly looked at Off while he sat on the sofa. Off fixed the boy's messy hair.

" If you were sleepy you could have slept on our bed why did you sleep here ", Off said.

" I was really sleepy ", New replied.

" Did you stay up late studying ?", Off asked.

" Nope, games ", New's tongue slipped. Gun never played games.
New looked at Off who seemed confused.

" New forced me , he is a gamer addict", New said to save himself.

" Again New huh ? Well for now let me take you to bed you seem really tired. Let's just skip class for today. You are smart anyway , you can study it later ", Off said as he picked up New.

New held onto Off tightly as he was being carried. This feeling was something else. To be treated with so much request.

What is that dumb Gun even complaining about all the time this guy is pure gold. New thought as Off placed him on the bed and tucked him in.

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