16. We'll get revenge

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" James you have to go back ", Blue said as he lightly touched James' shoulder.
James turned to Bank with his head down.

" P'Bank do you know P'Mos' full plan ?", James asked.

" He planned to force you to come here , but he has done something else as well ", Bank said.

" What ?", James asked.


A day before

" The conversation that Off had with Bank kept on replaying in his head. He closed his eyes and thought about everything that had happened till now.
After 15 mins of reflecting , Off picks his car keys and drives to Tay's house where Bright was also present.
Off raced inside as he saw Tay and Bright drinking to depression. Off takes away the bottles and tries to get them to be sober.

" What are you doing ?", Tay asked with hopeless eyes.

" I wanna ask a question ", Off said.

" Seriously , you took away our drinks to answer a question ", Bright said annoyed.

" Its important ", Off said with serious eyes.

" Shoot ", Bright said.

" Are we really in the right ? ", Off asked with a straight face.

" What do you mean ?", Tay questioned.

" Do we even deserve to get revenge ?", Off asked.

" Are you drunk ? What kind of things are you even talking about?", Tay said a bit tipsy.

" You both are the only ones drunk here ", Off said. The boys didn't want to answer Off's question.

" If you aren't guilty about anything why are you drowning yourselves in alcohol ? Can we just stop pretending that we didn't do anything wrong. I am tired of putting the blame on Gun. I have done worse to him", Off said.

" You are an idiot ", Tay said.

" I don't care ", Off said.

" So what are you gonna do now ? Go and apologize ? They hate us to the point that they pass us around. If you want them to stay you have to make them feel guilty. They won't love us if we don't do this ", Bright said.

" Do you really think that ?", Off asked.

Bright held Off by the collar as his eyes showed regret. Tears fell from his eyes as he placed his face in Off's shoulder.

" Off we have fallen below demons, they won't love us anymore ", Bright continued to cry.

" I don't wanna do this anymore ", Tay said as he looked at the duo.

" I don't want to do this to them as well ", Off said.

" Same here ", Bright said.

The place glitched a bit as Mos appeared in front of them. He looked at the trio disappointed that he appointed them to the task of dealing with the boys.

" Mos , we aren't gonna do anything to them now. Thank you for telling us the reality. We would rather solve this with them ", Off said.

Mos looked at them for a second before bursting into laughter. The three got on guard. Even when tipsy and emotional they kept in mind that the person in front of them wasn't any ordinary human but a god.

" I don't get it ! Ok fine you guys feel guilty and all for all the dumb shit you made those boys go through because of which they did all of their drama. But you know well they won't accept you as you are. I thought you could do anything for them to yours. What happened to that passion for love ? Why are you guys backing off now all of a sudden !!", Mos yelled.

" I think you misunderstood our feelings. We wanted their heart and soul not bodies. It's our fault to begin with. If we treated them the way they deserve they wouldn't have suffered. If they wouldn't have suffered they wouldn't exchange their souls. We are still very hurt by what they did , but at the end of the day we really do deserve this. We have no right to do anything to them. Now it's up to them if we are forgiven or not. We aren't foolish enough to make another mistake ", Bright said.

" More foolish words. You guys shouldn't be so lovestruck ", Mos exclaimed.

" Do you do this to P'Bank as well ?", Off asked.

Mos looked at Off with anger and confusion.

" What rubbish are you talking about ?", Mos said.

" Is P'Bank rubbish to you?", Off asked.

" Watch your mouth !", Mos yelled.

" See you love him as well. You wouldn't dare to do any of this with him. Why do you expect us to do all of this with our lovers ", Off said.

" Don't take Bank's name from your filthy mouth. You bloody kidnapper who manipulated the guy you hopelessly had a crush on into liking you and when he did you tormented him into staying with you.
And you, ( pointing at Tay ) you are so obsessed with that boy. You think sex is the definition of love. You forced your lover to do it with you countless times even though he wasn't comfortable with it. You won't let him even be in the same air as another guy and always keep him under the stress of pleasing you. And you ( Bright ), oh you are the most unbelievable  one for me. At first I was confused if you even loved your bf or not. You always took him for granted and expected everything out of him when you couldn't even do the bare minimum for him. He was dying inside wondering if he was just fooling himself in a one sided relationship which you agreed to cause of pity. You can't even remember his birthday. My guy has never had to go through any of this , so don't even dare to bring him in this conversation.
You deserved every bit of what they did to you , but I need my brother back so for now you all will think that everything that happened with you was unfair ", Mos yelled.

The room was filled with green smoke which consumed the boys as they closed their eyes and the line ,
' They are at fault , punish them ' , kept repeating in their brain.
They didn't have any control over their thoughts and only the idea of revenge for justice remained in their heads.

" We'll get revenge ", they all said subconsciously.


James held his mouth in shock hearing what happened. He was gonna fall from the surprise but Blue caught him.

" You need to help your friends. I feel that even if you come back Mos might not stop this. This became personal for Mos the second Bank's name was mentioned. None of those mortals deserve this James , you have to fix it", Blue said.

" I wanna fix this as well , but P'Mos is very strong. He is a god now which makes him unbeatable for me. I need a good plan , I'll fail in a head to head encounter", James said.

" James you are stronger than you realise but since it's help you need. I can lend a hand. With both of us together we have a better chance against Mos ", Blue said.

" Will you really help me out ?", James asked.

" Of course ", Blue said with a smile.

" You guys should hurry up , Mos might come back here. Succeed and take care of yourselves", Bank said.

" Thank you P'Bank ", James said as he started to glitch away along with Blue.

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