18. Don't worry

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" Win will you go out with me ?", Bright finally mustered the courage to ask after 6 months of observing the boy.

Win looked around confused.
He really didn't get how Bright caught feelings for him.

" Can I think about it ?", Win asked to not make a complete fool out of Bright in front of the whole school.

Bright smiled and said yes.
But he had already started to act like Win's boyfriend.

" So do you like him or not ?", Gun asked as the trio were sitting for lunch.

" I do but like , idk if i should date him", Win said as he drank his milkshake.

The two boys sitting opposite to him shared few glances before running over to Win and pulling him to the football ground where Bright was playing.
Bright was running around shirtless , his sweat dripping and making his body wet.

" Do you think he looks hot ?", New asked.

" Very ", Win said dazed.

The two boys giggled , seeing their friend so love struck.
After the match ended they pushed Win towards Bright. Win was very confused and wanted to yell at them but he maintained himself in front of all the students there.

" You came to watch ", Bright said as Win came to him.

" Yeah , ummm kinda ? I was here to say something ", Win said knowing what his friends brought him for.

They were quite straight forward with these things , they wanted him to confess and get with Bright already. Never make love wait was a motto they liked.

" Is going out with you still an option ?", Win asked as Bright pulled him closer and kissed him.

After a few seconds they broke the kiss.

" I hope that answers your question", Bright said as he put his shirt on.

Win just nodded a yes shyly as his friends pulled him away and squealed in joy.


" Ahh !", Win yelled as another hit on his stomach made the pain unbearable for him. Even the bullies didn't beat him up so much in the past.

" Bright please stop ", Win begged as he held onto his aching body.

" Want me to stop ? Then why did you do something like that in the first place !", Bright yelled at Win.

" Do you really have no idea why I did something like that ", Win asked.

" No , tell me. Why did you do that ?", Bright asked.

" Because you never bothered about my feelings at all. I really have to ask , do you even love me ? It's like I am just being kept around for convenience", Win yelled and received another slap.

" Is it fun ? Playing the victim ", Bright asked as Win's eyes widened.

He just looked at Bright unable to believe that this was really the guy he fell in love with.

" You aren't Bright are you ?", Win asked with the softest voice ever as Bright started laughing.

" What ? You think we three switched like you as well ? Sorry to inform you , we aren't as dreadful creatures like you", Bright said as he kicked Win in the jaw.

Win couldn't get up anymore. The pain was too much for him to take.
Bright laughed some more and then saw a sharp rock on the ground. He picked it up and saw it carefully as he slowly approached Win. Win looked up at Bright and shivered as he saw the rock.
So this is it huh ? Win thought as Bright slams the rock towards Win.


" Why are you betraying me !", Mos yelled as he felt the fading presence of James in his room.

" Do you want to torture me and show me my worst fear like you are doing with those kids ?", Bank asked as Mos threw another thing.

" Why would I do that !", Mos exclaimed as he came close to Bank but his heart dropped when Bank moved back.

" Because I am so fucking scared that you are gonna become what you created. Just why are you doing this ? I know you are very attached to James and that you were broken when he was banished. Why are you breaking him as well ?", Bank yelled. Mos' eyes softened.

He took a deep breath and looked at Bank with utmost care.

" I'm sorry for scaring you , but I want what I want. It doesn't matter if James knows what I did. He isn't stronger than me, I can get him back ", Mos said.

" He isn't planning to fight you alone you know ", Bank said.

" Well if you are talking about yourself , I'll restrict your entry into Earth for some time", Mos said.

" I am not talking about myself ", Bank said.

" Then who is it ? Helping James ", Mos asked.

" Why don't you find out for yourself", Bank said as Mos gave a confused expression and glitched away.


The boy was pushed away and hit his back on the wall.

" Bright ", Win said as he looked up at the fallen figure of Bright.

"You should be more worried about yourself", Blue said as he helped Win get up.

James ran to Bright while he was still on the ground. Bright started to float in the air and got stuck to the wall.

" P'Blue ", James said as Blue walked closer to Bright.

He chanted something and placed his palm on Bright's stomach as a magical circle appeared around Bright.
Bright yelled in pain as dark energy was absorbed from him.
As Blue takes his hands away James falls to his knees exhausted. Win comes to him.

" You ok , why are you here ?", Win said as he saw James gasping for air.
Blue walks up to James as well.

" Take your car and drive to your house. We already placed a safety line there. Mos won't be able to harm you guys. Go fast , I'll protect James with my life don't worry", Blue said as he lightly pushes Win towards the unconscious Bright.

" James , are you ok ", Blue asked bending down. James nods a yes and gets up with the help of Blue.

" Win , go home quickly , the others will come soon as well ", James said.

" Gun is inside ", Win said as he pulled Bright to the car.

" Don't worry, everyone is gonna be back ", James said.

" You too right ", Win asked.

" Me too ", James said with smile as Win leaves.

" I'll ring the bell you go from behind", James said as he got to the door. Blue follows immediately.

Ting !

" Seems the other one is here as well ", Off said as Gun started trying to yell again.

Off stopped when he heard one bell ring. He expected there to be a series of ringing and banging on the door.
Off didn't hear Bright as well.
Confused he opened the door as James kicked him back.

Gun halted his yells as Off's flying figure hits the floor. He looks up to see James. James runs to Gun and unties him and removes his tape.

" Are you alright ", James said as Gun hugged him.

" I was so scared ", Gun said as he suddenly pulled James back.

Off who has woken up attacked James but was stopped by Blue who ruthlessly held Off by his hair.

" Should we help this guy as well ", Blue said as James raises him in the air.

( Author's note : Tomorrow I'll upload the last chapters of the story. I hope you like it till now. )

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