8. Need to make big sacrifices

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"I seriously missed so much drama !", New commented as Win and Gun told what happened.

" Are you both alright ?", James asked and the two nodded.

They were gonna talk more when New's phone rang.

" It's Off ", New said and picked the call up on speaker.

On call

Off : Hey , I was wondering if Win is with you.

( New looked at the duo for what response he should go with. They gave a thumbs up )

New : Yeah he is home , Why ?

Off : He didn't tell ? Actually he broke up with Bright. Bright called me , he is very upset. He wants to talk to Win.

( New looked at the duo again as they showed a sleeping emotion )

New : Tell him to talk tomorrow , Win already went to bed.

Off : Yeah it would be better if they talk tomorrow only. They would probably be more calm. You should sleep as well , I'll see you tomorrow. Good night.

New : Good night.

Call cuts

" You have till tomorrow , face him well", New said as he got up and ruffled Win's hair.

New takes the initiative to get Win to bed while James and Gun are still at the dinning table.
They were just sitting and doing their own thing when James spoke up ,

" Gun , I need advice ."

" Finally , I was really worried about how much you'll mess up with Net", Gun said as all his attention went to James.

James wanted to tell him that what he thinks isn't true but he couldn't cause he was indeed gonna ask about Net.

" What kind of things does he like ?", James just asked straight away.

" Well from where I stand he likes you for you. Your personality personally just comes down to savageness with sunshine energy", Gun said.

" Say something that makes sense to me", James said.

" Just don't do anything except for accepting the flirting you are getting from him. Give him few responses time to time. You know the classic hard to get thing people do ", Gun said.

" Can I get detailed instructions ", James asked.

" Call him right now and ask him if he is free tomorrow ", Gun said.

" Right now? Like right now , right now ", James said.

Gun just picked up James' phone that was kept on the table and opened it. He scrolled through the contacts and called Net.

" Wait wait , I am not ready ", James said as the call gets accepted.

On call

Net : Hi there cutie pie, what made you call me ?

( Gun signals James to speak )

James : I needed to ask something.

Net : Go ahead , I am all ears for you

James : By any chance are you free tomorrow.

Net : Why ? Wanna ask me to a date ?

James : Yes

Net : .....

( Gun laughed silently at the silence from Net while James got concerned )

James : Hello ? If you aren't free that's fine.

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