20. Let's be together now

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James glitched and got to Net while Blue charged at Mos.

" Are you ok ?", James asked as Net caught his breath.

Net nodded a yes before kissing James.
The kiss would have lasted longer if the sound of Blue and Mos destroying each other wasn't too loud.

" I have to help him ", James said as he got up and started refilling his power again.

It was kind of tricky for him cause he never imagined using his powers after he left his home.
James closed his eyes and concentrated. He thought about all the things his teacher back at home told him about using magic.
He only remembered one sentence he said ,

' Love your power it will go through with you in everything .'

When Mos and James first heard this quote they assumed their teacher was telling them to accept their power but now James was understanding the line a bit better.

'Love , your power , it will go through with you in everything '

Love was power. James thought about Net as his power got accumulated and he felt it. The magic in his veins and blood.
James opened his eyes and glitched in the middle of the fight.

Blue got kicked away by Mos as James entered and punched Mos.
Blue looked at James with affection, the blue magic dripping from James were forming wings on him to preserve his strength.

" Everything about you really is perfect ", Blue said again as he watched Mos and James have the most intense fight ever.

Both of them were in their top forms. Mos was surprised on how much James was able to fight against a God but then again , he knew James was special.

" Mos, it's time to stop ", James said as they stared at each other for a second before James glitched.

Mos turned behind ready to take James attack but James just got closer to Mos.

" I don't like attacking from the back , but thanks for turning around ", James whispers as he applies a power seal on Mos.

Mos goes flying to the wall and looks in front.
Power seal was a special technique that can only be used in a magicians true form. It temporarily sealed the magic of another and was the most effective yet difficult trick to do.

" I hope we are done here ", James said as he came to Mos.

" Why don't you wanna come home ?", Mos asked near to tears.

He was disheartened, he just wanted his little brother to come back but all of this unnecessary mess happened.

" Don't worry I'll visit , just don't do these things again. P'Bank must also be worried about you. Go back to him for now ", James said as he touched Mos' hand and sent him back to the land.

" You can do that ?", Blue exclaimed.

" It takes a lot of power to do it ", James said as he fell on his knees holding only his heart.

Blue was gonna run to him but Net got to him first.

" Are you alright ?", Net asked as he engulfed James in a warm hug.

" I am ok now ", James said as he snuggled his head in Net's neck.

Blue leaves the place and goes back to the house to tell the boys that everything was alright now.

" I love you no matter what , it doesn't matter what I saw back there. Let's be with each other forever ", Net said as he looked at James with loving eyes but James didn't share the same expression.

" I'm sorry Net , but it can't be that way ", James said confusing Net.

" What do you mean ? Why can't it be that way?", Net asked.

"Cause to be honest I don't know if I can love you no matter how we feel about each other. We are just so different", James said.

" Why does that matter ? Differences are good , we will understand each other more", Net said.

" I'm really sorry , please love someone better ", James said as he glitched and disappeared.

Net weeped rivers till the others came and found him.
The second Net saw Blue he held him by the collar.

" You better treat him right ", Net said as he looked Blue dead in the eye.

Blue seemed confused.

" I know you are his fiance , so you better take care of his life like it's the most precious thing in this whole damn universe", Net yelled in Blue's face.

" I never planned to treat him any less", Blue replied as he glitched away as well.


The trio and their boyfriend talked out about the whole situation they were in and how they wanted everything to be. After sorting things out they started dating again and this time with pure love.
They all occasionally went on group dates and even personal dates.
Net used to join them once in a while when he was free but he mostly spent his time studying and improving himself.
Much above the land of the living sat James looking at all his friends being happy.

" May I sit with you ?", Blue's voice came.

" Why does my fiance have to ask to sit with me ", James commented as Blue took his seat.

" He does have to ask now ", Blue replied.

" Why ?", James asked.

" James let's break the engagement. I won't make excuses in this. I love you to death , but I would rather see you be with the person you like than me. You guys look better together",
Blue said while James looked at Blue with a slight smile.

" Blue do you know why I never complained about being engaged with you. It's cause you are the kindest most giving guy I have ever seen. You always put others first and try to act in everyone's favour. Not everyone can give up things they want ", James said.

" You are not a thing James. I can't have you if you dont want me to be with you. It's as simple as that , I just accepted it cause I really care", Blue said.

" Thank you so much for accepting me and my feelings for Net ", James said as Blue gave him a tearful smile.


" Can you not look so blue all the time", New commented looking at Net.

" You had to use the metaphor blue ", Gun said as the others laughed and even Net put on a painful smile.

" I just miss him ", Net said.

" How much ", James asked.

" More than you can imagine ", Net replied immediately as the others halted in their postions and Net kept walking forward.

" Net !", Win yelled as the figure stopped and turned around.

He was annoyed to be stopped but his expression lit up when he looked at the extra person with the trio.

James flashed Net a sweet smile as he said ,
" Let's be together now ."


( Author's note : Just like I promised , a happy ending for everyone. I hope all of you guys liked this story. If any complaints please do tell me so I can do better in the next story. Thank you so much for reading ❤️)

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