4. This is so bad

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The doorbell rang at 3:54 A.M.
All the house residents were confused as to who it was but an unbothered New got out of bed and to the door.
As the door opened Win pretty much fell into New's arms.

" Why did you come back home ? You should have stayed there", New said as he helped Win inside.

" I don't know , I wanted to come back", Win said as he was seated on the sofa.

The lights turned on as Gun and James also came down. Win was in a bad condition , his entire body seemed to be covered with hickeys and he could barely walk.

" Geez , is he crazy! Why did he go so hard on you ?", Gun said as looked at Win.

" It's fine , it can actually get captivating , I didn't even realise I was this hurt until he stopped, saying that he shouldn't go further ", Win said.

" It could have been appreciated if he said that sooner ", Gun commented.

" Is this why you always stay at Tay's place at your anniversary. Every time we see you two days after the anniversary ", James said and all eyes went to New.

" I can handle it much better than this guy did though ", New said.

"New you shouldn't have hid the fact that this was gonna happen ", Gun said.

" Gun it's fine , I told you right I am alright. I will get used to it soon. Or maybe I can try changing Tay", Win said.

" Sorry,  I should have told you before", New apologized with sincerity.

He wanted Win to know how hard it was for him but seeing Win suffer like this made New upset and guilty. The boys helped Win shower up , got him some food to charge up and then all of them huddled together one bed and slept.
They didn't do anything on Sunday except spend time together.

Monday came sooner than ever. Gun had early classes on those days so New woke up first and got ready. He clutched on his bag as he went out the gate surprised to see Tay.

" Good morning ", Tay said.

" Good morning , what are you doing here?", New asked.

" Pick up New for his class , is he gonna be out soon? He didn't pick up my phone earlier so i assumed he was sleeping ", Tay said.

But I don't have morning class today.

" He doesn't have morning class Monday", New said.

" He does though, he sent me his schedule ", Tay said as he opens his phone and showed the photo of the schedule Win forwarded him.

That idiot sent his actual schedule.

" This is Win's schedule. New must have accidentally sent it , we all were sharing schedules at night. He is still sleeping", New said.

" He is getting a bit silly nowadays. Btw do you want a ride ?", Tay offered.

" Me ?", New asked confused.

" Yeah , I mean I am already here. Waking New up is just gonna make him cranky. I can drop you off", Tay said.

" I guess that's fine ", New said as he sat in the car. He felt weird sitting inside as Gun and not New.

" Ummm, your seat belt ", Tay said as New hadn't put it on.

New panicked and quickly buckled it. He was so used to Tay leaning in and doing it for him that he completely forgot.Tay drove off after New had put the belt. As they drove , New thought that he needs to help Win out somehow.
He took a breath before saying ,

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