9. Time will tell

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"Since when did you start sleep walking?", Gun questioned as the trio collected at the sick bay during break.

" No idea , it was good Tay was there otherwise I would have died ", New said.

" What are you guys talking about ?", Off questioned as he entered. He was looking for Gun.

" How are you ?", Off asked with concern as he sat beside New.

New just gave a weak smile.

" You guys can go , I'll take care of him",  Off said.

New gave them a reassuring smile and they all walked out. As the door shuts Off holds onto New's hand tightly.

" Why are you trying so hard to make me the bad person , I thought we were good now", Off said.

" What are you talking about ? ", New asked confused.

" I have slept with you so many times , you never sleep walked then. Now suddenly you get sick and start sleep walking to your death. It's obvious you were trying to kill yourself. I bet your friends just aren't saying anything so you don't feel bad ", Off remarked.

" I didn't try to kill myself , I really don't know what happened ", New insisted.

" Don't give me that crap , I already know the truth. Just spit it out , why did you do it ?", Off asked.

" I didn't do it ", New said sharply. Off held onto his hand tighter.

" Off , leave my hand , it's hurting", New said as he tried to get out of Off's grasp but Off was too strong.

On receiving no answer Off leaves New's hand harshly.

" Speak to me when you wanna tell the truth. You should know that I don't really put up with this stuff but I am for you ", Off said rudely.

New held onto his head for a second before getting up the bed.

" Don't put up with it then ", New said. Off held onto his shoulder tightly.

" If you are trying to do what Win did , I advise against it. You'll pay for hurting me the second time ", Off said as he left the place.

No wonder Gun wants to die, this guy is the spawn of the devil. New thought as he caught his breath. The door opened again.

" What are you doing on the floor ?", Tay who had just entered asked.

" Nothing ", New said as he got up but fell again because of dizziness. Tay caught him in time and helped him sit on the bed.

" Fight with Off ?", Tay asked as he placed New on the bed.

" Kind of ", New said. Tay handed a basket full of treats to New.

" New wanted to give it to you but I am afraid he'll fall sick so I am here to drop it off. Don't eat all of it at once or you'll get more sick. As for the Off situation give it some time. Off really loves you , he is just bad at expressing it ", Tay said.

" I guess so ", New said.

Tay laughed which confused New.

" What ?", New asked.

" New used to say that a lot as well. Idk why he has stopped saying that now. He has stopped a lot of things he did before. He seems much more fresh and active. Before he was all sleepy. He likes hugs as well now", Tay said while taking a seat.

" Isn't it good ?", New asked.

" It is , but something is strange. Actually I have been wanting to talk to Win and especially you about this ", Tay said

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