12. It has already started

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Win was dragged across the floor in front of the whole school and Tay threw him in the canteen. Win hit the table and fell down while Bright came running behind them also slightly beaten up.

" Strip !", Tay said as he looked at Win , his eyes burning in anger.

" Tay , listen to me ", Win tried to say but Tay just walked to Win and tore off his shirt.

Bright came to defend Win but was kicked away from there.

" Hold him ", Tay told the other guys who listened.

Win was crying while covering his top body.

" I'm sorry , please don't do this ", Win said.

" Can I do this as well and be sorry about it. Would you not care if I go kiss Gun or something ", Tay yelled surprising everyone.

Win just didn't say anything cause deep down he really didn't care at all. The person he thinks is Gun is New so it's more of a perfect fit.

" Wow , your eyes actually are saying you don't care. So this is where we stand and here i thought maybe I was doing well ", Tay said while staring at Win.

" Tay please ", Win said.

" Wow , maybe I lost interest in you as well. Right now I actually couldn't care less if you are stripped naked in front of this whole school. Now what should be done about this ?", Tay questioned himself.

Win just looked down.

" Tay ! It was me , I kissed him he didn't know anything. Do what you want with me , let him be ", Bright yelled.

" I wasn't talking to you but now that you have so much to say let me ask. Don't you feel bad for Win ? So shamelessly kissing his best friend. No wonder he broke up with you ", Tay yelled.

" What do you want me to do ! You know damn well these guys haven't been acting like himself and no matter what I couldn't help but see Win in New. It was a spur of the moment thing , I swear I was thinking of Win when I did all that. Just let him go this time ", Bright said.

Tay scoffed and turned to Win again.

" Aren't you ashamed as well doing that to your friend ?", Tay asked. Win looked at him dead in the eye when a voice called out,

" What's happening here ?"
Everyone looked to see Win(Gun) standing there.
Everyone paused looking at the boy. Gun ran to Win who was on the ground and helped him get up.

" What's going on ?", Gun asked again but only received silence.

" Sorry to tell you , your friend and ex were making out", Tay said straight forward.

" Why are you in this condition ?", Gun asked looking at Win.

" I just taught him a lesson of not cheating. I can't be Off in this case , just forgiving my lover. I have to teach him my guy morals ", Tay said with sharp eyes as Off entered the scene as well.

" Win , I am really sorry. I didn't mean it ", Bright said looking at Gun.

" I don't care. We aren't dating anymore ", Gun said which shocked everyone.

" He literally kissed your bff after going all around you to date him again ", Tay emphasised.

" So what ? Did I ask you to take revenge. Don't touch my friend", Gun said as he was gonna take Win away but Tay pulled Win back to the ground.

" Give him back !", Gun yelled as he punched Tay. Tay was gonna hit back but was stopped by Off.

" Dont fight here, sort it out another way ", Off said assertively as Tay backs off.

" What happened , you like someone else's guy as well now ?", Tay mocked as Off held his collar.

" Don't talk nonsense ", Off warned as he left Tay.

Gun and Win also exited from there.

Tay ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Yelling his heart out in frustration.

" It's weird isn't it ?", Mos' voice came back.

" Just who are you !", Tay yelled as he tried to punch Mos but his hand went through.
Tay stood there shocked by what happened.

" That seems to have calmed you down. Now allow me to speak. I am a god and I need you to know something very important", Mos said.

" What ?", Tay asked.

" Hasn't the guy you've been in love with all this long suddenly starting to act strange? And his friend specifically the shorter one suddenly seems like the guy you fell in love with ", Mos raised the questions.

" What are you getting at ?", Tay asked.

" It's just as it sounds. They all switched their souls with one another. The guy you just threw on the ground and blamed for cheating isn't even the guy you loved. The person you love is the one lying in the hospital right now. They all have been fooling you three and messing with your heads. Sleeping with the other's boyfriend. You realise it too don't you , you have started to love the kid that you saved yesterday. The reason for it is that your love is beyond their childish habits. You loved their souls but they played with you  ", Mos said as a tear fell from Tay's eyes.

" How can someone just switch their souls ? Are they magicians or something ?", Tay questioned.

" They have one , my brother that's stuck with them. You might remember seeing a new figure among the three that you have never seen. Why is that they all are so close and you never knew they had another friend. Didn't it seem that the friend just spawned from thin air. On the request of your lovers he switched all their souls. So what do you want to do about this situation ?", Mos asked.

" I want them to regret everything they did ", Tay said while controlling his tears.

" Exactly , I want to take revenge too as they won't let my brother come home. How about you help me and I'll help you ", Mos said.

" What do you want me to do ?", Tay asked.

Mos took out a photo and gave it to Tay. It was a photo of James kissing another guy.

" This is James' finance. Send this photo to his new lover and break them apart. After that gather your friends so that we can get revenge from them all. Do we have a deal ?", Mos asked.

" We do ", Tay said as he took the picture.


James shivered out of nowhere.
" What's wrong?", New who had just been released from the hospital asked.

" I have a terrible feeling ", James said.

" Why ?", New asked, concerned cause it was never good if a magician had a bad feeling.

" I feel bad things are gonna happen soon", James said out of nowhere confusing New.

" What kind of bad things ?", New asked.

" Desnique pastor guilta vopin toi ", James said out of nowhere.

" Ummm translation ?", New asked.

" All the bad things you do will come back to you ", James said as the door opened.

Win and Gun returned looking tired as hell.

" It has already started ", James whispered to himself.

" Give him a round of applause , he kissed Bright ", Gun mocked Win as Win shut the door. New laughed and then said ,

" Win how could you betray us like that kissing your best friend's ex ."

New continued to laugh until Gun said,
" Tay caught them and asked him to strip in front of the whole school."

" What !!", New exclaimed in anger.

Bad things will come back to us. James thought as he heard their conversation.

( Author's note : The words that James said aren't from any language but random words which don't exist that I put together.)

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