14. It's really me

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" You shouldn't do this ", Bank yelled for the thousandth time as he banged on the cage he was trapped in.

" Why ? ", Mos asked amused .

" Because I am telling you to !", Bank yelled again.

" Don't yell too much you are gonna have a sore throat ", Mos said as he handed some water to Bank through the bars.

" Mos , I am serious about this , James will hate you forever if you go forth with your plan. You should stop right now ", Bank said.

" I know what I am doing ", Mos said as he glitched from there. Bank banged on the bars one more time in anger as he held his head in frustrated from the situation.


The first date that Gun had with Off was at Off's house. It was really terrifying going there knowing nothing good was gonna happen. He was bound to be used and thrown away and we was willingly going to the predators territory to let that happen.
The door opened before the little boy could ring the bell.

" You came sooner than I expected you to ", Off said as he saw Gun approach him.

" Well I wanted to be on time ", the shorter boy replied.

" Well you don't really like to beat around the bush right ", Off asked as the other's face changed.

" Are you gonna say , I am not Gun ", the other asked as Off showed an amused face.

He pulled the boy closer to him and started making out. Gun tried to release himself but failed miserably. Finally Off pushed him back.

" Gun trained you well this time. If only he did it from the start you might not have been caught ", Off said as pulled the boy by his hair and dragged him up the staircase to the basement.

" Off , I am sorry for everything. We all are sorry. Please stop this", he yelled in pain but Off didn't listen. He didn't want to listen to anything that would make him grow soft on his lover.

The door of the basement opened and it was pure darkness.

" Off , it's really me ! It's Gun. Please I am terrified of this don't leave me here ", Gun begged as he saw the eternal darkness that resided in the room.

" Then can I ask for one thing before we go ?", New asked as all of them looked at him.

" What ?", The three asked together.

" Let's switch back to ourselves again. Let's face them as who we truly are and not each other. We need to be honest with them. We switched cause we were too afraid to face them as our true selves but it became easier when we were each other. This time we need to face them with our true selves", New said.

All the boys looked at each other.

" I am in for it , let's switch back to normal", Win said and now all the eyes were on Gun.

" It's understandable if you say no , out of all of them , Off can be very rough when angry but you know what Gun. He shouldn't be allowed to do that to you", James said.

" I'll agree to switch as well ", Gun said.

" I hope you guys find true happiness no matter how tomorrow ends ", James said as he looked at the others.

They all had gloomy faces which were trying to come to terms with the fact that they can't hide behind each other's faces anymore.
They had to take responsibility for their actions regardless of how harsh they are.


" It's really you ?", Off asked.

" It's really me , please stop it ", Gun said. Off bent down and looked at Gun carefully.

" How do I know it's really you ?", Off asked with a creepy smile. Gun looked terrified but then realisation hit him.

" You already know , don't you ?", Gun asked looking at Off.

Off started laughing like a maniac as he threw Gun into the dark room and locked it.

" That's not him ", Gun thought as the room shut and so did his thoughts.

" It's too dark !!! Off please I am begging you , let me go. This is too scary ", Gun yelled as he banged on the door but Off just heard the sounds of the screams and laughed.

Gun tried controlling his breath as he took out his phone and did a conference call with New and Win.

On call

Win : Have you reached ?

Gun : Go back home , they aren't themselves. They already know we switched. It's all a trap !

New : what do you mean ? And why are you breathing so heavily?

Gun : I am locked up in the basement of his house. He already knows I am actually Gun. I don't know what to do !!  I think Mos has done something to them. Off seemed out of it .

New : Gun you need to slow down we can't understand a thing you are trying to say.

Gun : Don't meet them ! Run away! Hide somewhere !

Win : Gun calm down . We aren't running anywhere alone. We will get you and then go.

Gun : No don't come here !!


Gun : Hello ??? Can you hear me ??? Yah ! New ? Win ???

Gun looks at his phone as the signal drops.
He tries to raise the phone at different angles to catch a signal still breathing heavily.

" It was working completely before why did it go now !", Gun yelled in panic.

" Thank you hahahahah ", the sound of manaic laughter came from outside. Gun got back to banging on the door.

" Off , let me out !", Gun yelled.

" Why ? Aren't your friends gonna come here to get you out ??
Thank you so much , for calling them over ", Off said.

" Did you guys plan this ?", Gun asked.

" Of course we did . You guys shouldn't have done that to us and Mos ", Off said.

" Is Mos controlling you ?", Gun asked.

" Controlling ? We willingly subjected to him to take our revenge. He is pretty upset that you kept his brother here. If you returned him sooner none of this would have happened ", Off said.

" Off , I am sorry , for everything that happened. We don't deserve anything you gave us. But please , I feel like I will suffocate to death in this room ", Gun said as he gave a light bang on the door and dropped to his knees.

" I don't care ", Off said and Gun started weeping.

Meanwhile Win and New drove to Off's place like crazy. Confused on how the connection broke all of a sudden.

On call

New : Win have James join the call as well. If Mos is going this far then James is the most endangered one.

( Win quickly connects James to the call )

James : Did something happen ?

New : James listen to me carefully. Run away. Any place you can safetly find stay there. Mos is going too far this time.

James : what happened ? And why isn't Gun in this call

Win : Gun called us earlier and said that Off was totally out of it and locked Gun in his basement. We are going to get him so don't worry. Just save yourself don't let Mos get you. You understand ?


New : James we want an answer ! Promise us you will go somewhere safe.

James : I promise

Win : Good , we will call once everything is over so don't worry

James : Be safe

New and Win : You too

The call cuts

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