11. Just say yes or no

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Once Win and Gun arrived at college they ran to Off's class. Off was sitting on his desk and trying to bury himself in his work to forget all the other things going on with him. He looks up at the duo in surprise but decides to ignore them. They walk straight up to him and slam the desk.

" Where is Gun ?", Win asked.

" I don't know ? Wait is he lost !", Off exclaims as he gets up from his seat.

" Don't play with us , we know he is with you !", Gun said.

" He isn't ! I haven't seen him at all. Where is he ?",  Off said getting a confused look from the two.

That's when Tay entered. He looked at the two then at Off. He sighed before asking them to come out.

" What !!!", Off yelled as he held Tay by the collar.

" Off stop ", Gun said as he took Off's hands off of Tay.

" He needed to be alone , you'll only bombard him with questions and get angry if you saw him in that state", Tay said.

" Why don't you worry more about your guy than mine ", Off yelled as he headed out of school to the hospital.

" I'll go after him ", Gun said and ran behind Off.

" Thank you for the help , Gun isn't that open about stuff , he would probably just suffer alone. I am glad you found him ", Win said.

" I get that , you are pretty similar too you know. Quiet about your worries . I am glad you share things now ", Tay said as he hugged Win.


Meanwhile Off was gonna barge in the hospital but was stopped by Gun.

" Let me go !", Off yelled.
Gun just stood there angrily staring at Off. He sighs to calm himself and then spoke,

" Off he was just raped the other night , if you go in there you'll only make him panic. He needs to be comforted and not see your anger."

Off looked at Gun for a hot second before he said ,

" I don't care , I need to see him !"

" Don't make a fuss , you guys aren't even on a good page right now", Gun said.

" So what ??? I'd die for him and you can't bother to understand it cause you only see the bad things I do. He sees them all. I wanted it all to stop. I felt that everything was changing but then he found errors in me. You guys must have put it in his mind !!", Off yelled as he started crying.

Gun looked at the crying boy shocked. This was the first time he had ever seen Off cry like that. Gun considered everything for a moment and went on to give Off a hug.

" We can't always have things our way , but when we accept things as they are and try to improve we get better things in life ", Gun said as he comforted Off.

Off cried for a few seconds before pulling out of the hug and saying ,

" Gun said that once ."

" I must have picked it up from him then", Gun remarked with a smile.

" What are you doing here ?", Bright's voice came as Win looked back.

Win started for a hot second before turning back to the view the school rooftop provided.

" Nothing ", he said still looking forth.

" I didn't see any of your friends ", Bright randomly commented.

" Any of my friends or Win ?", Win questioned.

" Win ", he said honestly.

" Gun isn't well so they went to visit him", Win said.

" You didn't go ?", Bright asked.

" Let's just say I am guilty of it ", Win said.

" Why do you have to be guilty ? You beat him up or something ?", Bright playfully asked.

" I had him pick up my phone at night from the library. While coming back he got raped", Win said with a straight face which got Bright on edge as well.

" Sorry ", Bright said , feeling bad about the joke he made earlier.

" Nah it's fine , it's my fault ", Win said.

" It isn't , you know. It's the person's fault that did it to Gun. That person alone is to blame no one else ", Bright said assertively.

" I guess so ", Win said a bit moved by Bright's words. The two didn't talk any further. Just stood by the rooftop and looked at the scene.

" Hey New ", Bright said breaking the silence they were maintaining.

" Yeah ", Win asked turning towards Bright.

" Can I say or perhaps do something ?", Bright asked.

" If this has to do with getting back with Win I'd rather you not ", Win commented.

" Just say yes or no ", Bright said.

" Yes ", Win said curious to what Bright was gonna do.

Bright looked at Win and gulped before placing his hand behind Win's neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

Bright was confused about why he was doing all this but Win felt complete. After such a long time he kissed his partner, the real one. 


" I'm gonna fucking kill you!!", Bank yelled as he threw something at his lover.

He had explicitly warned his lover to stop meddling in his younger brother's life but no the man didn't listen.

" I didn't kill him ", Mos defended himself.

" If that happens to me , I would probably just kill myself", Bank yelled back.

" Bank don't say that ", Mos said assertively.

" Then stop doing this to your brother. Mos he'll hate you his entire life if you try to bring him here. If you let him stay where he is maybe you guys can work on your relationship. Why are you making things bad for the both of you ?", Bank said.

" Bank, he'll forget me if I let him stay there. I don't want that to happen ", Mos said.

" Mos , you made a mistake. Own up to it. Don't make more mistakes on the way. It's not worth it ", Bank said before leaving the area.

Mos kicked a stool away in anger as Bank left. He was so confused and under pressure. He didn't want this to happen as well but he couldn't stop himself.
He thought long and hard when another plan came to him.
He laughs to himself thinking of the mess that would cause. James would know for sure that Mos is behind it and would be forced to come back to the land to confront him. James' banishment is over now. The second he enters back on the land Mos will make sure he never gets to leave again.
Mos immediately went back to Earth to witness Bright and Win kissing. He felt it was the icing on top.
He glitched to one of the classrooms where a boy was trying to study. He looked at the boy with utter amusement.

" Hey there ", Mos said. Tay, the one sitting in front and was confused at the greeting.

" Hello , do I know you ?", Tay asked.

" You don't know me but I know you so I wanna show you something cool", Mos said as all the doors and windows of the classroom got shut and locked.
Tay looks around confused.

" I hope that is enough to prove that I am not an ordinary human being ", the man said.

Tay just looked at him.

" What are you ?", Tay asked.

" That hardly matters , the thing that matters is how you are being fooled by the one you love ", Mos said.

" What do you mean ?", Tay questioned.

" Haven't you noticed something strange in your boyfriend? Or has some other guy been acting more like your lover ? ", Mos put out the question and disappeared.

Tay was confused at the statement but whatever was stated was true. He couldn't help but think hard on it.

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