1 - pilot

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The Outerbanks - paradise on earth.
Home of the pogues.
Pogues that always seemed to be in some kind of trouble.

John B and his friends JJ Maybank, Pope Heyward and Kiara Carrera spent their Saturday morning in figure eight. The new building area to be exact. They were casually drinking beer in the walls of one of the future houses in which a family of kooks would be living in.
Until Gary - a police officer - found them and at least tried to catch them. But the pogues mastered to runaway and jump into John Bs car The Twinkie to drive off.
Everything was just like it always was.
Until -

"Guys", Pope interrupted his laughing friends with an alarming voice,"There is smoke coming out of the hood".

"There is what?", Kiara asked and turned back around only for her mouth to form an 'o'.

"Pull over John B!", Pope stressed. JJ, who didn't even listen to Pope the first time - he was too caught up joking about the look on Gary's face - finally stopped laughing.

"I am pulling over!". The car stopped.

"Oh we're fucked", John B whispered after he quickly got out of the driver seat to open the hood.

"I'll get water!", JJ yelled and jumped out of the van, to look for a pond or something like that.

"Why water JJ?", Kiara asked standing next to John B.

"The car is burning!?".

"- No JJ! It's not a fire!". Pope followed JJ after he had already ran off.

"Oh god", John B sighed. He scanned the motor and other parts of the car which he had randomly wrapped with duck tape until the Twinkie would finally start again. Maybe he shouldn't have done that.

"Why did you use all of that tape in the first place?", Kie asked and looked at her friend with a worried look on her face.

"Because it didn't -". A loud engine roared.

"What the hell?".

Kiara and John B both stood at the side of the empty road and their mouths dropped open once they could see the black car driving towards them.
The car was way too fast.

"Who's that?", JJ asked once he and Pope arrived back at the Twinkie.

"No idea". John B and Kiara answered.
Pope didn't even want to know how exactly legal this car was with its tuned parts.

With squealing tires the car stopped in front of them. The darkened windows rolled down. Kings of Leon was blasting through the speaker.

JJ needed to know who was driving this more than insane car. He expected a man in the middle of his twenties, who watched a little too much Fast and the Furious in his childhood - That's what everyone of the Pogues expected.
But they were completely wrong.

Hazel eyes were staring right towards the four friends. Plump and glossy lips curled up into a grin.
"You guys need help?".

"What?". "Oh". "Hell".
The boys gasped.

A chuckle fell of her lips and they could hear her sweet voice once again.
"Yeah you definitely need help".

The door opened and what used to be white Nike air forces waltzed towards the pogues. None of them knew what to say. They were too shocked by the entrance the girl in front of them made, when they expected a man in his mid twenties - while the dark haired girl was around their own age.

"Sorry - uhm - I'm John B", he spoke up once she was standing in front of them,"These are my friends Kie, Pope and JJ. What's your name?".

"Anastasia Hill", she smiled softly at everyone of them.

MECHANIC | Rafe Cameron - JJ  Maybank - OuterbanksWhere stories live. Discover now