9 - full names

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Anastasia took a few deep breaths once she sat down on the bench at the court and took a sip of her water. "You are good".

A giggle escaped Sarah's lips:"Topper trained me pretty well I guess".
Anastasia's eyes studied Sarah for a good second. There was a frown on her friends face, she was bothered, clearly annoyed by him. But at the same time Sarah still cared about Topper.

"I'll tell you one thing, Sarah", Anastasia spoke up with a reassuring smile,"You'll never get over your first love. But life will show you when you need to level up, every time".

"Hm", Sarah hummed and sat down next to Anastasia,"I don't think Topper is my first love. I don't even know if it is love - was? Whatever".

A few minutes passed. Anastasia knew exactly what love meant. He showed her. And a part of her still longed for him. But she promised that it was over.

"Who was your first love?", Sarah asked. She knew that it was a very personal question, but considering Anastasia was from California her first love would be a stranger to her. "How do you know if it's love?".

Sarah's voice was awkwardly very shaky. She was nervous, Anastasia could tell. Or maybe Sarah was scared of love.

"He was -", Anastasia paused,"Great. God, he was everything I ever wanted at that time in my life. Reckless, a little dangerous but most importantly utterly beautiful. Most handsome man I've ever seen".

"I'd love to see him", Sarah chuckled and Anastasia couldn't help but grin. If she'd only know.

"He made me feel better. A safe place I could run to and hide away. I guess that's what love is: safety, peace". Anastasia sighed. "It didn't last that long - the peace".

"Why?". Sarah was smiling and Anastasia actually felt helpful. Like she'd been helping Sarah just by talking about him.

"I guess 15 was an inconvenient time to be in love". Anastasia's voice was bittersweet. She missed the time when she first met him, when everything felt great. Until everything fell apart.

"I don't think Topper actually loves me, neither do I love him", Sarah answered,"It's all just so black and white".

Anastasia smiled softly and got up:"Love is golden. You'll feel it".

Talking with Sarah felt easy. There was nothing they couldn't talk about. Once the two finished playing, they decided to grab something to eat in the Country Club and take a walk at the beach before heading home.

"Did you hear that?", Anastasia asked Sarah after she could swear she heard someone scream. Once Sarah agreed, Anastasia found herself running into the direction of the sounds.

What she saw was something Anastasia never would've imagined.
Rafe Cameron was beating up Pope with his golf stick. Her friend was laying on the sand, curled up like a ball, screaming in pain.
Anastasia swallowed hard and walked towards Rafe.

Her hazel eyes looked Rafe dead in the eye once she spoke up:"If you won't stop right now, Rafael Jackson Cameron, I will destroy you".

His golf stick dropped the moment Anastasia's voice echoed in his ears; she was cold like ice. Her voice pinched Rafe everywhere and he felt a sharp pain go right through his chest. She shouldn't have seen him like that.

Rafe gazed over to Topper, who was still standing next to him, he had been watching this entire scene. Suddenly the Cameron boy felt fragile. Like he'd break any minute and the only solution was to stand and be strong. He couldn't fall apart in front of his friend or his sister. Not here.

MECHANIC | Rafe Cameron - JJ  Maybank - OuterbanksWhere stories live. Discover now