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Rafael Jackson Cameron

I need your help.
Come over.


I have a present for you.

Still no.



Anastasia read his messages multiple times. But she didn't know what to answer. She was curious about the present he had been talking about, but at the same time she was enjoying spending time with her friends.

Her gaze trembled across the porch and stopped at JJ, who just finished rolling a joint and Anastasia's mouth ran dry.
She had no idea he was smoking weed.
Suddenly everything in Anastasia's body was telling her to get away.

But she tried to stay calm, while her Phone pinged multiple times more. All messages from Rafe, trying to get Anastasia to come over.
It was working surprisingly.
Looking at the joint in JJs hands, made Anastasia weak in her knees. She was so close yet so far.

Her mind was somewhere else entirely: Trying to figure out what was going on with Rafe Cameron. What he had planned and why he needed Anastasia's help. If he would've messaged her like this a year ago, Anastasia would've already been on her way.

"You want?", JJ asked Anastasia and offered the joint he was holding in between his index and thumb. He watched Anastasia swallow hard, she quickly got up and smiled while she excused herself. Within seconds she was gone without another word.
She just ran away, towards her car. Buckling the seatbelt and revving the car to speed off.

Her mind was blank once she came to a halt in front of Tannyhill. She got out of her car and stared at the house in front of her, wondering if she was doing the right thing - helping Rafe Cameron with god knows what.

"You came". Rafe smirked, walking up to Anastasia, who was resting her hip against the Nissan.

"Don't let it get to your head", Anastasia winked and pushed herself off of the car,"Where's my present?".

A chuckle fell off Rafes lips, looking down at the girl in front of him, who still didn't learn what patience meant. "Follow me".

Without another word Anastasia followed Rafe blindly. She couldn't keep her eyes off his broad shoulders. Anastasia was still heavily attracted to Rafe Cameron, even though she tried to bury her feelings. There'd always be something about him, that she couldn't shake off. Like he was a magnet, pulling her closer every time she'd be close to him.

Rafe Cameron on the other side had to walk in front of Anastasia, because if he'd have to watch her hips sway in front of him he'd loose himself. Anastasia was still wearing the clothes from earlier today: short low rise pants and his shirt. She was a walking goddess.

"Here's your present", Rafe smirked once he stopped right in front of Anastasia, walking her almost bump into him. Once he stepped aside Anastasia could see the present.
A red 1997 Chevrolet Corvette C5.

"Wow", Anastasia gasped and walked around the car slowly, taking everything in. This car was a dream come true: 183 MPH top speed, 4.5 seconds to 60 MPH.

MECHANIC | Rafe Cameron - JJ  Maybank - OuterbanksWhere stories live. Discover now