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Watercolor eyes were watching Anastasia sit on the jetty. Wind was blowing through her hair, brushing against her soft skin. JJ was entirely absorbed by the contemplation of her. Her beauty was something he had never seen before. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her body and feel her once again.

John B was excited about the treasure. Whereas Pope and Kiara were too excited about one another. Both of them were filled with excitement and enthusiasm, which eventually led to them running off to the beach.
No one knew what was going on in Anastasia's mind.

Rafe was living in her mind restlessly. Memories of last night replayed in her head. How his hands felt on her body, running through her hair. His fingers hooking the waistband of her thong. His lips kissing down her neck, his teeth grazing against her pulse.
Anastasia wanted him. She missed him.

Just like he missed her.
Rafe was spending his night at the Country Club. Getting drunk with Topper, Kelce and some other kooks. Topper couldn't stop whining about Sarah and John B - to a point where Rafe couldn't listen to his friend anymore. He was now sitting at the bar, staring at his phone.
It's been an hour since he messaged Anastasia.
No response.

"Hey Rafe", a female chirped,"What can I get you?".

Rafe eventually looked up. A girl with short brown hair, who was working at the bar, just talked to him. He was confused about how she knew his name. "Vodka".

"Straight up Vodka?", she chuckled,"What happened? You wanna talk about it?".

"Do I even know you?", Rafe asked, his voice turning deep with annoyance. He didn't want to talk about anything with anyone. All that he wanted was Anastasia and not just a random girl from the bar.

"Um". Her face went bright red. "My name is Sofia. We met at this party the other night".

Rafe remembered the party. The night Anastasia told him she'd continue hating him. Guess she couldn't keep that promise, he thought to himself.

Anastasia eventually got back up on her feet and turned around only to look JJ straight into his eyes. Pope and Kiara had left already. The blonde boys lips curled up into a smile once he caught Anastasia looking at him. "Where are you going?".

Just by looking into these watercolor eyes Anastasia knew she could spent the night with JJ. She just had to say the right things and they'd be back in her car or on John Bs couch making out.
Though Anastasia didn't want to.

"I'm gonna go crash on John Bs couch".
She was tired. Tried from thinking about Rafe motherfucking Cameron all the time. And she sure as hell wouldn't go back to him now. After all she had promised him she'd hate him. That certainly wouldn't change just because she slept with him.

Rafe was sure Anastasia didn't hate him anymore. Last night certainly sounded very different. Therefore he knew he could win her back. And that was the only thing on his mind. Not his father, not the girl named Sofia, who was embarrassing herself by flirting with Rafe. Anastasia was the only thing he cared about.

He declined Sofias offer and didn't leave the Club with her. Instead he got up after finishing his drink and went home. All alone. Somewhere deep in his heart still hoping Anastasia would already be there waiting for him.


His long fingers tangled in her hair, running down her spine.
His strong arms wrapped tightly around her hip.
His lips against her skin.
Quivering, shaking and whispering his name like a frequent prayer.
They sin, and sin, and sin.

Anastasia woke up gasping.
A look around told her that she was still in John Bs living room, early morning. JJ was sleeping on the floor next to her. He looked so peaceful and relaxed.
Whereas Anastasia was trying to calm her breath, because Rafe didn't leave her alone. He never would. He was haunting her forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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