6 - license plates

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John B used his flashlight to look for the grave of Olivia Redfield. To solve the mystery of his fathers compass. Anastasia followed him right behind.
She wasn't nervous - the complete opposite of John B. His heart was beating way too fast. And maybe Anastasia was his savior, considering her hand rested on his shoulder calming him once both stopped; staring at the grave. Redfield.

"Here!", Anastasia whispered towards the rest of the pogues, that had been looking on the other side. Her head was leaning towards John B. Her soft voice whispered into John Bs ear,"It's gonna be alright".

"Well", Pope cleared his throat,"Who is going to fit through that hole?".

JJs blue eyes set on Anastasia. He looked at her too long; admiring her once again while she was wearing his hoodie; until he spoke up:"Ana?".

"Alright. A little help would be nice".
Suddenly JJs arms wrapped around Anastasia's hips and her feet lifted up from the ground. While the dark haired girl made her way inside the grave she was thanking herself that she decided to change.

John B and JJ had been watching Anastasia even after her body disappeared in the stone grave. But there was something entirely different about the looks on their faces.
John Bs was full of hope, nervousness and something else Kiara couldn't quite figure out.
But JJ - Kiara had never seen him look at someone like that before. So full of - love?

Her elbow nudged Pope, who flinched immediately. It didn't occur often that he didn't think the same like Kiara - therefore once she managed to scare him; Kie also flinched just like him.
"What the hell?!".

"We broke into a graveyard! And it's late!", Pope whisper-shouted, obviously not understanding why Kiara nudged him in the first place.

But before Kiara could answer, Anastasia's head appeared behind the stone.
"Who is Bird?".

Her hazel eyes watched John Bs face light up once she handed him the envelope. John B bucked down and fidgeted the FedEx package in his hands. "Why dad used to call me Bird".

"What's in it!?", JJ asked excited and maybe a little to loud. The pogues heard a golf cart start and a man shout something.
"Is there someone?!".

"Oh fuck".
JJs hand grabbed Anastasias and the five friends started to run.
With easiness JJ climbed the fence; only to see Anastasia already next to him.
Kiara right behind them caught the envelope, John B threw over the fence before he climbed.

Anastasia was already at her car, once Pope yelled and screamed for help. His pants were stuck on the fence. JJ couldn't help himself but laugh out loud when he got into the backseat. Anastasia had already taken Kiaras hand and put her into the passenger seat beside her.

The dark haired girl rolled down the pitch black window of the driver seat. Pope could see her pearly whites grin at him.
"You pants or your scholarship. Choose wisely".

Kiara laughed and Pope grunted while he jumped down, ripping his pants. They were still stuck on the fence when he finally rolled into the backseat and closed the door.
That was Anastasia's sign to hit the gas pedal and speed off.

While Kiara just squealed excited, John B stared at the FedEx package and JJ talked about what the cop must think after seeing pants stuck on the graveyards fence - Pope worried about the excessive speeding of Anastasia. She was the best driver he probably ever met in his entire life; considering no one he knows would be able to drive safely while going way so fast.

"What if the cops get your license plate?". Pope rambled. "I mean we'd be fucked. Oh god - my scholarship".

Something rattled when Anastasia's small hand grabbed something she had next to her seat.
Suddenly Pope was holding her license plates in his hands. This girl would never get herself caught.

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