10 - drunk words

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It was past midnight once Rafe Cameron stopped his motorcycle in front of John Bs place, considering Anastasia wasn't at home. So he guessed she could only be with her stupid Pogue friends.
Rafe Cameron took his helmet off and his eyes immediately found Anastasia on the porch of the Chateau. She was laughing wholeheartedly with Kiara.
He couldn't help but smile seeing her happy.

Just when Pope complained about his headache, which was probably from getting beat up, Kiara forced him to go inside and crash on John Bs couch.
So John B eyed JJ and Anastasia, both were already looking at each other waiting for something to happen; someone to give in and talk about last night.

Before John B could finally excuse himself, Kiara walked back out on the porch, her jaw dropped but she didn't a say word. A gasp escaped her lips staring off into distance.

"What?", Anastasia immediately asked and looked into the same direction like her best friend.
Rafe Cameron's ocean eyes were staring right back at her.

"Oh god, I'm so gonna ki-", JJ immediately shouted once he jumped off of the couch.

Anastasia cut him off by placing her hand on his chest:"No, not today JJ. I'm gonna talk to him".

Her hazel eyes could see the pain in his ocean eyes. Something was going on in Rafes mind and she needed to know. Without waiting for a response, Anastasia's feet carried her down the stairs and over to the road, where Rafe was standing next to his motorcycle.

"Leave, Rafe", Anastasia spoke up,"No one wants you here".

"I-I wanted to apologize", his voice broke,"That you had to see me like this".

Once he opened his mouth Anastasia knew Rafe had been drinking. "You're drunk".

"Maybe", Rafe scratched the back of his head, cocking a smile,"But I just needed to see you".

His voice was raw and honest. Anastasia felt a sharp pain right through her heart. He was actually sorry.
Anastasia couldn't help it but feel empathy for him. After all: how could she not? The man in front of her used to be everything for her; she knew him like the back of her hand. Rafe Cameron was still getting under her skin. Even after all this time and heartbreak.

"You should go, before I'm going to make you".
JJs voice was husky coming behind Anastasia. A protective hand rested on her hip.

Rafe couldn't help but laugh out loud, seeing the Pogue in front of him touch Anastasia - his Anastasia. The kook was waiting for Anastasia to turn around and tell JJ why the hell he dared to touch her.

Rafe didn't know that JJ had his hands on Anastasia the entire last night.

Rafe could only guess why Anastasia let him touch her, protect her. And he didn't like the reason.

Rafe stopped laughing.

Anastasia didn't say a word. She didn't know what to say. She only found herself staring into Rafes ocean eyes, knowing what he'd think of her and JJ. Why did she feel bad?

"Leave", JJ urged and was about to step forward.

"No". Anastasia grabbed JJs wrist, pulling him back so he wouldn't touch Rafe. "He's drunk. I'm not gonna let him drive".

"What?!", JJs head whipped around but Anastasia didn't even look at him. She only had eyes for Rafe.
JJ could feel his stomach turn around and suddenly he felt like throwing up. He slowly recognized that Anastasia wasn't joking.

"I won't leave you alone with him", JJ insisted and his hand touched Anastasia's cheek, finally forcing her to meet his eyes.
Her heart fluttered once he caressed her cheek and his watercolor eyes looked down at her.

MECHANIC | Rafe Cameron - JJ  Maybank - OuterbanksWhere stories live. Discover now