11 - deal with the devil

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JJ Maybank opened his eyes once something tickled in his face - it was Anastasia's hair, that was all messed up over his face.
"You're still here". His morning voice was deep and thick with emotion.

"Good morning to you too, J", Anastasia chuckled softly and immediately got up,"Get up sleepyhead. I'm hungry".

JJ couldn't help himself but laugh out loud. But shortly after he suddenly felt nervous. Anastasia's dad must be downstairs and he was going to meet her dad at breakfast. JJ expected the worst. He had never met the dad of we're just friends.

After Anastasia changed into her low rise Levi's and a tank top, JJ also decided to put some clothes on. Once the two walked downstairs, Anastasia's hand brushed his. She could tell how nervous he was to meet her dad.

"Good morning, dad", Anastasia chirped once she entered the kitchen and immediately took some waffles her dad made almost every morning.

"Good morning, princess", Freddy Hill smiled watching his daughter get all excited about Waffles. He was so caught up chuckling at his daughter's reaction, he almost didn't see the boy in front of him, who was patiently waiting with his hand all stretched out to shake his hands.

"Good Morning, Sir", JJ spoke up,"I'm JJ Maybank, a friend of Anastasia".

"A friend?", Freddy laughed out loud but quickly gathered himself once he saw Anastasia's death stare,"Alright JJ, I'm Freddy Hill. Grab yourself some Waffles".

"Yes, Sir", JJ answered sounding like a robot.

"Oh and JJ?".

"Yes, S-".

"Please stop calling me Sir. Call me Freddy", he smiled at JJ, whose lips immediately curled up into a thankful smile.

The three had breakfast and Freddy quickly informed his daughter about Midsummers tonight and that they had to go at least for some hours. Anastasia complained immediately. She'd rather spent time at the Chateau with her friends.

"You know your mother, Anastasia", Freddy sighed,"She wanted you to be a member of the Country Club, therefore we have to go".

Anastasia groaned loudly, making JJ laugh. "What?".

"You can spent Midsummers with Kie. She's always pouting too", JJ chuckled watching Anastasia get all worked about this event.

"You're not helping, J", Anastasia rolled her eyes and got up,"I'll drop you off at Heywards".

"He did help me though", Freddy chuckled and gave JJ a thumbs up. The blonde boy couldn't help himself but laugh out loud once again. Freddy Hill was actually a super nice dad.


Anastasia pulled up to Heywards shop only for JJ to immediately jump out of her car. The cops were arresting Pope and JJ immediately yelled:"It wasn't him!".

"It was me!". Anastasia's heart sank a little lower once she saw how Officer Shoupe let go of Pope and faced JJ. "I was mad because Pope had just gotten beat up. He's a good kid".

"What the hell are you doing, JJ!?", Pope yelled and walked backwards in disbelief until he stood next to Anastasia.

"You know where I'm from", JJ continued talking to the officer, who eventually nodded and decided to arrest JJ, who took the blame instead of Pope.

Pope and Anastasia watched the police car in which JJ was sitting drive off. "I can't believe he did that".

"But he did, Pope", Anastasia hugged her friend back,"So you wouldn't loose your scholarship".

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