19 - missing you

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Anastasia closed the Twinkie behind her and took a deep breath, looking at the Crain house in front of her. They were gonna break in, adding another thing on her list of crimes she committed.

"Scared, Ana?", JJ chuckled and pulled the hood of Anastasia's black hoodie over her eyes.

"No", she replied. JJ didn't believe her. Sarah, Kie and Pope were all jittery: no way Anastasia wouldn't be scared.
When Anastasia tried to push the hood back out of her face, JJ quickly wrapped his arms around her body pulling Anastasia off the ground.

Anastasia let out a scream mixed with laughter once she realized it was JJ, who just threw her over his shoulder. Her fist hit his back multiple times, but JJ wouldn't budge. "Let me go!".

Kiara just watched the scene in front of her confused. She nudged Sarah and Pope next to her, wanting to know their opinion about Anastasia and JJ. But the two just laughed along with Anastasia, who was still not back on the ground. Why did Kiara feel bitter about her best friend and JJ?

"JJ stop it", John B intervened, shushing his friends. "We're about to break into the Crain house and you guys can't stop flirting".

Anastasia and JJ both looked at John B with a blank expression.

"We didn't flirt or anything", Anastasia replied, shaking her head aggressively.

"Yeah, no", JJ agreed,"Definitely not".

Pope, Kiara, John B and Sarah all looked at the two standing in front of them. They were all trying to figure out whether JJ and Ana were being sarcastic or honest about the whole just friends thing.

Sarah was the first one to crack a laugh. Shortly after the six friends were all laughing together about the awkward situation. Kiara was the first one to pull herself back together. "Alright. Let's go break into a house".


Rafe Cameron swallowed hard and took a deep breath before he was going to enter his dad's office. He was jittery and he felt like he'd collapse any minute. In his hand was a duffel bag filled with money. The money he and Anastasia won last night.

"Hey dad", Rafe spoke up, trying to sound strong,"I took care of my mistake". Ward didn't even look at Rafe once, which made his son even more nervous. He was trying had to find the right words.

He dropped the bag on Wards desk, and finally his father looked up. First at the bag, then at Rafe. "What is this?".

"The money for the generators", Rafe replied, running his hand through his hair in a nervous matter.

"How did you-?", Ward gasped and immediately got up to open the bag to find it filled with cash. His eyes lit up, and Rafe was starting to crack a smile.

"I-", Rafe tried to answer, but Ward cut him off.

"I don't even want to know", Ward rolled his eyes with disgust. He expected that Rafe must've done something illegal to get so much money in euch short time.
Rafes smile dropped and he lowered his gaze.

Ward eyed his son and once again wondered where he went wrong in terms of raising his child. After all Rafe turned out to be a careless, arrogant man, who only thought about himself and what he'd do in the next five minutes. "Leave".


Anastasia's mind was blank. She didn't think of anything anymore. Her back was pressed against the wall, Sarah next to her was starting to sob.

The plan that the girls would sneak into the house and turn the electricity off worked out - except that they didn't think about Mrs. Crain. No one would've expected her to be up on her feet and awake for a grandma. But she was and she was hunting Kiara, Sarah and Anastasia. The girls hid in a closet.

MECHANIC | Rafe Cameron - JJ  Maybank - OuterbanksWhere stories live. Discover now