2 - pogues

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The day after hurricane Aggie, John B and JJ used the HMS pogue and drove out to pick up Pope. It took some convincing so Heyward would let his son go, but nothing was going to stop the Pogues today. That was clear.

- Well none of them actually asked Anastasia, where she lived. So therefore neither John B, JJ, Pope or Kiara knew were to pick her up. Until Pope had the idea to use Kiaras phone when they picked her up (her house had backup generators and therefore Wi-Fi) to use Google maps and search Hill Motors.

"She lives in Figure eight", Pope whispered utterly confused. Since when was Anastasia a kook?

"What?". John B and JJ gasped looking at Pope. "You sure?". JJ asked.

"Yeah". Pope nodded and lowered his gaze. Anastasia was a kook after all. Why didn't she tell them?

"Guys stop it", Kiara spoke up,"What's the big deal? I'm a kook too".

"Yeah but well-". John B tried to explain their shock, but he quickly realized there wasn't an explanation nor a reason for them to be shocked. Anastasia was a pogue by heart and the rest didn't matter, just like with Kiara.

"She could've told us", JJ muttered underneath his breath.

"She probably doesn't even know what Kooks and pogues are", Pope intervened. Not that he cared about Anastasia being a kook. He actually liked her - and not just because she crushed JJ at surfing.

"Oh god JJ", Kiara rolled her eyes at the blonde. She hated him being so extremely rude towards everyone who's even close to being a kook. The money didn't matter, Kiara thought, yes the money can ruin people and turn them into the kooks they all despised - but Anastasia certainly wasn't a part of them.

"Stop being pissed JJ", John B spoke up and glared at his best friend since third grave,"You're just mad 'cause Ana is better at surfing".
JJ was too caught up denying the accusation, that he didn't catch John B calling Anastasia 'Ana'.

Yet Pope and Kie both recognized and exchanged a side eye. Since when does John B use a nickname with Anastasia? Why?
They didn't know that John B had felt comfortable around Anastasia since the moment they met when she repaired his beloved Twinkie - one of the last things he has reminding him of his dad - without wanting something in return.

"Ana!", John B yelled once he saw Anastasia stand on the jetty behind her house. He was the first one to see her since he was driving the boat.

With a chuckle Anastasia stepped on the boat - JJs hand was supporting her doing the jump on the HMS pogue.
"You're calling me Ana now, John B?".

Her voice was soft and sweet. She didn't sound defensive, but still John B found himself blushing nervously. "Yeah. I hope you don't mind".
Kiara, Pope and JJ started laughing.

"No it's fine", Anastasia smiled and patted John B on his shoulder while she dropped down her bag and opened the zipper.

"Uhh what you got?", JJ asked eager.

"Oh only some tea and cookies", the dark haired girl laughed. Everyone turned around and eyed the inside of her bag. She had packed beer, soda and indeed cookies.

"Oh god I believed you for a hot second", Pope laughed. And the five friends shared the stuff Kiara and Anastasia had packed.

"I brought mini carrots". Kie chuckled.

"- Wait for real?".

"Yeah", Kiara laughed and passed the small bag to Anastasia, who squealed with excitement.
"I already love you, Kie".

"You're moving fast, very fast", Pope joked and nudged Anastasia in her side. Making everyone laugh once again.
JJ held Anastasia's bag in his hands and passed a bottle of beer to everyone. Anastasia caught the bottle without any trouble but then eyed the glass bottle a little funny.

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