14 - midnight rain

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Even though it was storming and raining outside, Rafe was sitting on the porch. He could overlook the ocean behind their backyard and the dark sky. Kelce dropped him off once it started pouring rain. Now he was all alone again, drinking Tequila straight from the bottle.
His dad and Rose were still at the Country Club and Rafe was very grateful for that considering he disappointed his father once again - the moment Anastasia disappeared with JJ Maybank. Wheezie was long sleeping and he didn't care what Sarah was doing.

All that Rafe Cameron cared about was to drown his thoughts. He needed to forget everything.
Like the way Anastasia's hand felt intervened with his. Or the way their laughter sounded together in a perfect harmony.

A lighting almost hit the neighbors house, making Rafes head whip around by the loud sound. But what he saw in their driveway was surprising.
A black Nissan.

Rafe was almost sure he was dreaming, until he stood up and walked closer.
Eventually he saw her golden dress shimmer in the pitch black night.
His angel.

Anastasia was pacing back and forth in front of her car.
She didn't know anything anymore.
She didn't know why she was speeding to Tannyhill.
All she knew was, that she had to be here, right now. With him.

The front door opened and Anastasia froze right in her tracks.
Ocean eyes met hazel eyes.

He wasn't dreaming, Rafe realized once he heard her sweet voice, it truly was Anastasia standing in front of his house.
He rushed towards her, not caring about anything else except Anastasia.
"What are you doing here?".

They stood right in front of each other, only inches parting them. Both of them reached their hands out, to make sure it was truly the other one and they didn't just dream.
Rafe cupped her face and smiled. It was his Anastasia.
Anastasia ran her hands up his chest and rested them around his neck. It was Rafe.

"I-". Anastasia didn't know how to explain. She didn't know the reason herself. All that she knew was, that she had to be here and see him. "I don't know".

His lips curled up into a smile hearing her pure honesty.
She was back. Anastasia never left with JJ. After all she was here with him. Tonight.

"How about tonight's last dance?", Rafe asked and surprised both of them with his words. He never took himself as much of a dancer, but being with her he felt like flying - he could only dance with her.

"Right now? In the rain?". Her voice was a soft chuckle. Anastasia was surprised but grateful. Because dancing had always been her safe space; a way to talk without any words escaping her lips - and that seemed pretty perfect now that she couldn't put her feelings into words.
"Everywhere", Rafe whispered. His voice was husky in her ears.

Finally the two started dancing in the headlights of the Nissan to the sound of the Midnight Rain falling down the sky.

Anastasia rested her head against his chest and inhaled his scent. She missed this, she missed him. This version of him that wasn't bad or aggressive. Right now he was peaceful.
Rafes hands pulled Anastasia even closer. He was scared she'd just slip out of his hands once again. He couldn't loose her again. Anastasia was the only thing in life keeping him sane. She was his peace.

Neither of them knew how long they had been dancing, but once Rafe felt her small body underneath his skin shiver, he realized that both of them were drenching wet. His dress shirt was dripping, just like Anastasia's golden dress.

His hand intervened with hers and Rafe spoke up:"Follow me, love".

Anastasia would follow him anywhere. And she did. They stumbled inside Tannyhill laughing out loud once Rafe turned the lights on and they stared at each other in disbelief. Everything was drenched.

MECHANIC | Rafe Cameron - JJ  Maybank - OuterbanksWhere stories live. Discover now