5 - meeting

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Anastasia admired the house in front of her. A big mansion called Tannyhill, her dad explained. Whoever owned this house also owned a company and he wanted Anastasia's dad to work for them - sell them cars, repair them. It would be a huge step up for Hill Motors.
She promised her dad, once they decided they'd open up the old workshop her grandpa used to own, to step in and be involved in the shop.

Anastasia didn't really care about the details - who owned and lived on Tannyhill for example. That was her mistake.

Because once the door opened and Anastasia had her picture perfect smile on her perfectly glossy lips she saw him.
Why was he fucking everywhere?!

"Rafe I need you to be your best self, alright?!", Ward instructed his son while both were rushing towards the door - the Hills were five minutes early.

"Of course. I can do that, dad". Rafe smiled. He didn't smile often when talking with his father, so today was a rare occasion. It was the first time he was involved in the company and Rafe hoped he could step up in the future. Maybe today he could finally impress his dad.

"And I want you to do something else". Both of Wards hands were laying on Rafes shoulders. He was looking into his sons eyes.


"Mr. Hill will be accompanied by his daughter. She should be around your age, maybe a little younger".
For the first time Rafe heard, who they'd be discussing business with. The Hills. A daughter? It had to be Anastasia - Rafe expected.

"Oh I understand, dad". Rafe smirked. "I'll win her over".

"You're my boy". Ward patted his son on his back proudly. And Rafe couldn't help but smile.

"- And this is my son".
Blue eyes stared right into her hazel ones.
He smiled and admired her face. His gaze trembled down her body to her legs. She was a goddess. This was even better than his imagination.
Rafe held his hand out and smiled. "Rafe Cameron".

Anastasia didn't drop her mask; not even for the fracture of a second. Not when his blue oceans were all over her body. Not even when they shook hands.
"Anastasia Hill". She smiled fake. "It's a pleasure to meet you".

"Oh no". Rafe chuckled but was serious when finishing his sentence. "The pleasure is all mine".

A chuckle rolled off Anastasia's lips and she glanced over to her dad and Ward. They both smiled. Everything went according to plan.

Brunch went on for almost two hours. Just Anastasia and Rafe with their dads. It was awful. Well the business was great, but Rafe being in Anastasia's presence was awful.
He was playing full gentleman. Pulling Anastasia's chair back so she could sit down, bringing her something to drink. He did everything she would ask for.

"Freddy, I need to show you my old Corvette, that I just bought". Ward Cameron smiled while secretly patting his son's shoulder. It was a sign for Rafe, an order - you have a few minutes alone with Anastasia, use it.

"That would be great, Ward. I've always had a thing for Chevrolets". Freddy answered and turned around to his daughter. "I'll be right back".
Great. Anastasia faked another smile while suppressing a sigh. Even her dad wanted Anastasia and Rafe to get along, he was almost playing the same game like Ward. Except Freddy wasn't the type of father to order their kids around. He left it up to Anastasia, but certainly didn't see a point why she shouldn't want to get along with Rafe Cameron.
He didn't know what happened last year. He didn't even know Rafe was spending time in California - when he was supposed to be at collage but already dropped out.

"I hate it when you fake a smile".

"- What did you just say?!". Anastasia hissed, sending a death stare right towards Rafe, who was sitting in front of her.

MECHANIC | Rafe Cameron - JJ  Maybank - OuterbanksWhere stories live. Discover now