17 - surprises

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"Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?".

Yes, duh.
Anastasia just blushed silently and turned her eyes back on the view in front of her. She was leaning against David's dark blue BMW M3 2016. His car was faster than the C5 and he knew how to drive, Anastasia had to admit. It was obvious how he won the last race - his car was nice. But other than that, this man had nothing to offer and he was getting on Anastasia's nerves.

David pushed himself in front of Anastasia, blocking the view behind him, forcing Anastasia to look into his eyes. She knew the face expression all too well - this guy wanted to fuck her so badly. You can see it in their eyes and the way they look down at you, like prey. "I mean it. I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you".

A chuckle fell of Anastasia's lips and she watched him tuck a hair strand behind her ear. Her lips curled up into an amused smirk. "Don't even try, David".

"What?". He looked at Anastasia, cocking a grin once she placed her hand right on his chest.

"I'm not gonna sleep with you", Anastasia pushed David away from her in a swift movement when she pushed her hip off the BMW.

"Really?", David caught Anastasia's wrist, forcing her to face him once again.

"You're gonna have to win first". Her voice was bold. David hasn't seen such a confidence yet. He dropped her hand the moment her cold gaze met his eyes.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to race the old Corvette", David said when he got into his car,"I will win. And I'm waiting for you at the finish line".

Anastasia couldn't hold back her laughter. "That's easier said than done, David".

"Watch me", David winked and pushed the gas pedal, speeding downhill back to the race track,"We can go for a quick round".

Anastasia was biting her lip so hard so she wouldn't blow her cover. She was laughing on the inside, because while this David actually believed he'd impress Anastasia, he just gave her an ace she'd use.
David on the other hand believed he was turning her on.

What a fool, Rafe thought. His ocean eyes had been watching the M3 the moment he won the second race and Anastasia wasn't there to congratulate him at the finish line. Rafe Cameron got out of the car and looked for Anastasia, pushing away all of those pretty girl throwing themselves at him. He had to find Anastasia.

Now he found her next to the guy, who she'd race, driving a round for fun. Anastasia was sitting so casually and calm in his car, which was going a crazy speed, David should've known by then Anastasia wasn't your ordinary girl. He didn't once look at her, too focused on the race track.

Once he held at the finish line, his head whipped around to Anastasia for the first time since they got into his car. He looked at the girl next to him, who had already opened the door. She left with a short:"Thanks".

David was too flabbergasted to answer her after watching her ran off. Anastasia even left the car door wide open.
Her long and elegant steps brought Anastasia back to the side of the crowd, to the red Corvette and most importantly: back to Rafe Cameron.

"You good?", he immediately asked, sending a death stare over to David after making sure Anastasia was alright.

"Yeah", Anastasia giggled, looking Rafe into his ocean eyes,"I'm excited".
Rafe couldn't help himself but chuckle seeing the girl in front of him excited like a small child.

MECHANIC | Rafe Cameron - JJ  Maybank - OuterbanksWhere stories live. Discover now