Coming out

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This oneshot starts right after season 1 episode 3, but Erik is still alive

Pov Wilhelm
"Wille" "Hey" "Is there anything else? We already spoke on the phone this afternoon" "Yes... I... um" I stutter. "Is everything okay?" "Yeah, but... can we maybe meet up at the weekend? I know I said I'm not coming home, but I have something to tell you, but I don't want to do it on the phone" I smile briefly.

"You kinda scare me" "It's something good, well for me" I laugh. "Of course that makes everything much better. I know you brother."

"I... no, I won't tell you until the weekend. So, can you please come?" "I'd have the whole day on Saturday" "Great" "Okay Wille, I have to hang up now, otherwise we'll call again tomorrow" "Bye" "Bye" he hangs up.

I open my chat with Simon.

- Simon?

~ Wille. Do you need something?

- Erik is coming on Saturday

~ Oh
~ I thought we'd spend the weekend together
~ In my place
~ With my mother

- We do too
- I just want to tell Erik
- That with you and my feelings

~ You want to come out to him?

- You could say it like that

~ Do you want me to be there?

- You don't have to if you don't want to
- Of course you can

~ I'll think about it😂❤️

- Okay good

~ I'm going to sleep now
~ Good night❤️

- Sleep well🫶🏻

I put my phone down, smiling contentedly. I really want to do it. I want to tell Erik how I feel because I know for a fact that he will support me, whether he thinks it's great or not, he will do it. I turn off the light.

Pov Simon
I lie in my room on the bed and doze off. Actually, I slept quite a long time, but somehow I'm still so tired, that's really not normal. Anyway, I'll just get a few more minutes of sleep and then slowly get ready because Wille will be showing up sometime this morning.

I close my eyes and I'm really so close to falling back asleep when the doorbell rings. I pull my blanket over my head and face the wall. A short time later I notice someone sitting on my bed. "Mom please let me sleep" I say annoyed.

"If you want that" "Wille" I turn to him sleepily. "It was definitely worth getting up early just for this sight" he grins and runs his hand through my curls. I sit up slowly. "How can you be up so early?" "August." "That explains a lot" I laugh.

He hesitates and plants a quick kiss on my lips. "Good morning" he smiles. I kiss him. "Good morning" I pull him down onto the mattress.

He puts both arms around me. "I want to go back to sleep" "Then go on, don't let me disturb you. I only have to be back in about an hour because Erik is coming" "One hour is enough" I snuggle up in his arms, grinning.

Pov Wilhelm
I look at my phone. Shit, I gotta go, but Simon's still asleep. I release him very carefully and stand up slowly. Luckily Simon didn't wake up.

I grab a blank piece of paper and a pen from his desk and scribble something on it before I quietly leave his room and close the door.

"Wilhelm. Everything okay?" Linda suddenly stands in front of me. "Yes, everything is fine. I just have to go back to Hillerska, my brother will be there shortly." "Fine. Are you coming again today?" "Yeah, probably" I nod. "Good, then see you later" she smiles and opens the door for me. "Thanks. Bye" I go out and wave at her again.

I sit on the steps leading to the entrance and watch the cars come closer and closer. "Wille, what are you doing here?" I turn around. There's someone behind me on the stairs.

"August. I could ask you the same thing." I turn away from him again. "I'm waiting for someone" "And who?" "It's none of your business" "You don't always have to be so pissed off" "I'm not always pissed off right away" at this moment Erik pulls into the parking lot in his car, followed by a second one.

"Erik? Why didn't you tell me you were waiting for him?!" he says reproachfully in my direction. Erik gets out and approaches us. "Wille" he smiles and hugs me, then he goes to August.

"Hey" "Hi" "Why didn't you let me know?" "Didn't think of it" the two continue their conversation, but I'm not listening anymore. I'm trying to figure out how to tell Erik. I could do it slowly, or say directly, I don't know either.

"Wille? Hello!" Erik waves his hand in front of my face. "What?" "Is everything okay?" "Yeah sure" "Good" he turns back to August. "We can talk later, I have to do something with Wille first" "Okay" August says slowly. "Then I'll go. See you later." He punches Erik lightly in the shoulder and walks away.

Erik puts his arm around me. "What's up?" "Can we go where? I'll tell you there" "Where exactly?" "The Football field" "Okay, weird, but whatever. Get in" he points to his car.

"So, tell me" "I was here recently" I stand where I stood when I was here with Simon. "Did you watch a game?" I nod. "Simon, the boy who sang in the choir on my first day, do you know who I mean?" "The one with the curls?" "Yes, exactly" I dismount.

"One of his friends had a game and he asked me if I wanted to come too" Erik slowly dismounts next to me. "This evening was so nice" "I believe you" "I'll tell you something now that you might not think is great, but it makes me happy" "Tell me I won't freak out" I rub my chest nervously.

"I...I fell in love and I know you know that too, but it's kind of complicated" I hesitate. "The boy from the choir, Simon, am I right?" I nod. "Does he know?" "Yes" "And are you now... together?" "Something like that" he hugs me. "My little brother has a boyfriend" he laughs. "Thanks. Thanks for reacting normally" I smile.

He let go of me again but keeps one arm on my shoulder. "Please don't tell anyone, especially not" "Our mom, of course." "It's just, I know what will happen if she finds out. I want to enjoy the time with him." I smile.

"You love him, don't you?" "I... I like him. I don't know if you can already talk about love" "The way you look, you definitely can" he grins. "How is he?" "Simon?" he nods. "When I left there, he slept again because he was so tired"

"You were already there this morning?!" "Yes. August chased me out of bed again and I couldn't resist" I laugh. We'll keep talking for a while. It's good to be able to talk to him about it. At some point we'll get back in the car.

Pov Simon
I sit at the table and eat breakfast. How is the conversation between Wille and his brother going? I don't think he would tell him if he didn't know he could be trusted. The bowl of cornflakes is slowly emptying and I look again at the note Wille left next to me this morning before he left.


I smile. He's cute. "Simon" "Yes?" "Can you come for a moment please?" "Soon" I'll finish my cornflakes quickly and then go to my mom. But before she can tell me why she needs me, the doorbell rings. "I'm going" maybe it's Wille. I go to the door, open it and there are Wille and his brother.

"Hey" Wille hugs me. "Hi" I smile. He slowly let go of me. "Erik, that's Simon" he grins and puts his arm around me. "Simon, that's my brother, Erik" "I'm glad" he shakes my hand. "Uh, do you want to come in for a second?" Wille nods.

A man appears behind Erik. He's relatively tall and muscular, somehow he looks familiar to me. "Could you please wait outside?" Erik asks friendly in his direction. He nods.

After both are inside, I close the door. We sit together at the table and talk a bit. Erik is great. He seems like a really good brother. The relationship between him and Wille is so good, they are so incredibly cute together. And by the looks of it, he doesn't care at all that I'm me and that makes me of course happy.

•  •  •

First oneshot is done, yeeeeyyyy. I hope you liked it. If you have any ideas, tipps or wishes for the next one, please let me know.

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