She's not my type

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Pov Wilhelm
"Hey" I kiss Simon smiling. "Hi" "Do you have everything?" he nods. "Great" we walk hand in hand to the car while Malin loads Simon's suitcase into the trunk. "Exited?" I open the car door for Simon. "Yeah" he gets in.

We're going to Spain and England for two weeks. I have two appointments in Spain without my family and funnily enough one is not far from where Simon's aunt and cousin live.

And what's even funnier is that the other one takes place at his cousin's school.

Mom said that I could do it since I apparently got along better with the students than she do, because of my age and all. I know that she just doesn't want to go to a school and that's why I need to do it.

In England, on the other hand, my parents will also be there because we're having some dinner with a few impor tant people, Simon can be there, which isn't always the case with things like this.

When we arrive at the airport, we get on the plane. There have been no incidents so far and hopefully it will stay that way.

I give Simon one of my Airpods, turn on some music and he puts his head on my shoulder. I kiss his hair briefly and then put an arm around him.

After landing we are driven straight to the hotel. We change clothes, lie in bed together to rest and then we're on the road again. Today we're going to Simon's family, that's why.

"Hey Simon. Long time no see" Simon hugs his cousin. "Hello" I shake his hand with a friendly smile. "Wille" "Miguel. Come on in" that's exactly what we do.

Simon introduces me to his family, then there is dinner where we are asked about our relationship and I am asked about being crown prince. Even if that doesn't sound that interesting, it actually is, as I also learn quite a lot about people.

We play a few more games and then we go back to the hotel because we all have a busy day tomorrow and should therefore get enough sleep.

Pov Simon
Since Malin and Hugo, Wille's personal Jan-Olof, are going to the school this afternoon to sort out a few things and Miguel wanted to show me his school anyway, we are all on the way there together.

Wille isn't coming because he still has a video call meeting with his mom about tomorrow, unfortunately. But I can get through it without him, that was possible for the first sixteen years of my life.

"Would you mind if I accompanied you? Her Majesty has asked for it" Malin looks at me questioningly. I shake my head and look at Miguel who does the same. Said and done. We go into the school and Miguel shows us around.

At some point, for some reason, we get to the topic of Wille, crown prince and all.

"How did you actually manage to get a prince?!" "I sang, smiled and expressed my opinion, and that was apparently enough" I grin.

"I saw that yesterday. He looks at you so sweetly. He's so in love with you." "He is" we go up a large staircase. "Do you often have a bodyguard with you?" He briefly looks over his shoulder at Malin, who is following us a few meters away.

"Sometimes. When I'm alone, basically only when I'm in a place where there are a lot of people, because things happen quickly. There's always one with Wille, if not two or three" Miguel whistles quiet.

We walk past a library with a girl standing in front of it. When she spots us, she comes towards us. "Hey" she raises her hand smiling. "Hi" we stop. "Who is this?" She first looks at me, then at Miguel questioningly.

"Sofia, Simon. Simon, Sofia" "I'm glad" I smile kindly. "You look alike. Are you related or something?" I nod. "We're cousins" she pulls him away from me by one arm, but still speaks loud enough for me to understand.

"Why didn't you ever tell me about him?!"

"Why should I?"

"Because he looks pretty good"


"Okay good. He's hot"

"Don't even try"


"Believe me, he's not interested"

"Are you sure?!"


"I can still try"

"It won’t do anything except make it a little embarrassing for you."



"Yeah, why not. You only live once. Then it just gets embarrassing, I don't care, I want to at least try."

"Your decision. But I warned you"

I grin. I love this conversation. The two come back to me. "Simon?" "Yes?" "Do you have a girlfriend?" I shake my head. "Great. The two of us? Date?" I shake my head laughing. "Thanks, but I refuse" "Why?"

"You're not my type" my type is brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, a boy, a head taller than you, Crown Prince, but I don't have to mention that. "I told you" Miguel says in her direction through gritted teeth.

We walk a few meters and she keeps looking back nervously. "A woman is following us" she states. "Yes. And?"

"Aren't you worried?!" her voice sounds somewhat accusatory. "No, it has to be this way" now she seems confused, but doesn’t say anything else.

"What was your answer?" We're both standing in the bathroom getting ready for bed. "She’s not my type" Wille laughs.

"If she doesn't figure it out by tomorrow, her reaction will be pretty entertaining, right?" I nod, grinning. "Definitely" he puts his hands on my hips and pulls me over to him.

"Whatever. I totaly agree with her on the 'he's hot' aspect" I visibly blush. Wille grins when he notices and kisses me gently. "I love you" "I love you"

Pov Miguel
"Come on, I have to show you something" I pull Sofia behind me by one hand. "Where are we going?" she asks after a few meters. "Exactly..." a few steps later I finish my sentence.  "...Here" she looks around.

"And what's so special here?" she looks annoyed. "Nothing right now. But the reason why Simon didn't want something from you comes right here, with Simon." "So he has a girlfriend after all?" I shake my head. "Why else wouldn't he go on a date with me?" a car is coming towards us.

"That's why" I say as the rear doors are opened by the bodyguards. Simon gets out and briefly greets us. Wille also gets out and comes over to give me a quick hug.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Sofia visibly embarrassed. She's probably only now realized who Simon is, which surprises me.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?!" she hisses in my direction as she shakes Wille's hand. I shrug my shoulders and say "I thought you'd figure it out quickly enough yourself". Simon and Wille watch us with amusement.

Pov Simon
"Sorry again" she calls after us one last time before we disappear into the school building. "Have I ever said how much I love you today?" Wille whispers in my ear because the whole world doesn't have to hear it.

"You've already done so several times, but you're welcome to emphasize it again" I grin slightly.

"I love you so much Simon"

He discreetly kisses me on the neck.

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