Shock - Part 2

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We're led into the intensive care unit, where half the wing is cordoned off. It's unbelievable happens when someone from the royal family is in the hospital. "You could come by quickly, after all" says one of the police officers who are standing in front of Wille's door.

I recognize his voice. It's the one who called me a few hours ago. "That's a tiny advantage when you're with the crown prince." I laugh briefly. A doctor comes up to us. He has a clipboard and a pen in his hand. When he spots us, he suddenly slows down, as if he's wondering if he really wants to come here. Wille's mother approaches him.

"How is he?" she asks excitedly. "He... hello. I'm Prof. Dr. Peer Forsberg, chief of surgery" he says, surprisingly in Swedish. Yes, judging by the name, it probably comes from there.

"He survived the operation well. He had free fluid in his stomach from a ruptured spleen, but the stitches could be sewn up, so it's getting better. He's still under anesthesia right now, so he's intubated. That means he has a tube in the throat, which helps him to breathe, but he no longer needs it when he wakes up." he explains matter-of-factly.

"When will he wake up again?" I look at him questioningly. "He should be up in two hours at the latest" "Okay, thanks" "You can go in to him now" he puts his pen in a small pocket on his doctor's coat. He walks away smiling kindly.

I've been sitting in a chair next to Wille's bed for a few minutes. I'm kind of scared looking at him, not because it looks scary or anything, but more because I'm afraid he won't wake up or something. I carefully take his hand. His parents are sitting on two chairs on the other side of the bed.

It's relatively late and I'm so exhausted from the trip here and the general mental stress today. During our last phone call this afternoon, I told him to take care of himself. My eyes are filling with tears again, I don't know how many times this has happened today and honestly, I don't even want to know.

"Simon, the two of us have to talk about something about security, so it could take a little longer. Could you please let me know as soon as he's awake?" I nod. Wille's parents leave the room. I put my head on Wille's legs and just talk to him for a bit.

After a few 'I love you' and a summary of today, he suddenly gagged. Before that, a nurse came in and said if he did that, I should ring the bell. So I do what she told me. After pressing the red button, I get up and gently stroke his hair and talk to him until the nurse comes in with a doctor. I take a big step backwards and let her get to him.

They take his tube out so he can breathe on his own. The nurse says something about letting me know if anything is wrong and then goes out, just like the doctor. I briefly go to the door and tell one of the bodyguards, who have also arrived in the meantime, to please tell the queen that Wille woke up, then I go back to him.

He slowly opens his eyes and looks around confused. I take his hand again. "It's fine" I say softly in his direction. "What happened? Why are you here?" he looks at me questioningly. "You were in a car accident" I sit down. "And to your other question, do you seriously think I'll leave you alone in the hospital?"

"But we're not even really together yet" "What do you mean?" now I look at him confused. "We kissed once and we want to meet at the weekend, that's all there is to it. But I think it's sweet of you" I press the button.

"Why did you press that?" "Something's wrong with you" "Everything's fine with me, except that I'm lying here, right?!" I shake my head. "Yes" "No" "Huh... but..." he says slowly. "What's the last thing you can remember?" I look at him questioningly.

"I talked to Erik on the phone, at least I think so, and then I actually wanted to go to you, in the dining room" he says hesitantly. "What did you talk to Erik about?" "I told him I want to stay at school for the weekend" he looks at me. "Something's wrong, isn't it?" I nod.

At that moment the nurse comes. "What's up?" she looks questioningly from me to Wille and back again. "Can I talk to you outside for a moment?" she nods. "Yes, of course" we go out together and after the door is closed I start to talk.

"He has forgotten everything from shortly before his brother's death until now. Can that be due to the anesthesia?" "I'll tell a doctor, that's pretty strange" she picks up her phone.

A short time later the doctor comes and I describe the situation to him. "I'll order some tests. How did his brother die again?" he looks questioningly at me. "He also had a car accident" "Then it could also be psychological, but it depends on how much he noticed of the accident" he makes a note of something.

"Go to him, hold his hand and if he wants, you should also tell about the time he forgot, maybe he will remember it himself then" he looks at his watch. "I have to have an operation now, sorry" he walks away.

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