
974 13 4

TW suicide, death, talk about suicide

Pov Simon
Still a little sleepy, I reach for my phone and check my messages, like I do every morning. Two unread. One from Wille and the other from Erik. I'll open Wille's first.

- I love you more than anything in this world. I just want you to know that.

Sent at four in the morning. My stomach tightens. Something tells me Wille isn't feeling well. Something must have happened, he doesn't write messages like that out of nowhere. Trembling, I open the message from Erik.

— Please call me immediately if you read this

Something happened. I take another deep breath before I press 'call'. "What happened?" I ask hoarsely after he answers.

"Wille... he... he... he killed himself" Erik stutters. His voice sounds like he's been crying. "Are you kidding me?" I ask quietly. "That would be nice. But no, unfortunately not" short silence.

"Please get ready, you'll be picked up soon" I notice how he's fighting back tears with every single word. "Thanks" "See you later" he hangs up. I slowly lower my phone.

Am I still sleeping? Because I'm not sure right now whether I'm awake yet or still dreaming about the whole thing. Fuck. Wille. A hot tear runs down my cheek. Why? Why I didn't noticed? Why he didn't said a word about what he want to do?

I slowly get out of bed, put the most important things in a backpack and wait in the kitchen. Luckily mom is away right now. I don't know how she would feel right now if she saw me like that.

Shortly afterwards the doorbell rings and I am picked up. I don't say anything the entire drive and just stare out the window. When we arrive at the palace, Erik is waiting for me.

His eyes are red, probably because he was crying so much. The first thing he does is wrap me in a tight, long hug.

"How did he...?" Before Erik answers, I see a few people carrying out a plastic coffin. It's only after my throat hurts that I realize I'm screaming his name loudly and suddenly everything seems far away.

I wake up bathed in sweat. Even before I can think clearly, I grope for Wille. He has his arms wrapped tightly around me and is sleeping. A nightmare. Fortunately.

Wille usually always has nightmares. The last time I had one was after Dad left our house screaming at the top of his lungs when he was still living with us and then he moved out. But it wasn't so real, I mean the dream. That one right before was just too real for me. Way too real. I can't lose Wille. I need him.

He starts moving. Did I wake him up? Hopefully not. "Simon? Are you awake?" he asks quietly. I nod. "Why were you sweating so much?" I do not answer.

"You know talking about it helps, right?" I always say that to him. "I... I had a bad dream" "Do you want to tell me about it?" I hesitate. "You... you killed yourself in it" I say quietly, somehow hoping he doesn't hear me.

"Me? Killed myself? In your dream?" I nod. He pulls me closer to him. "There are a few more things I want to experience before I kill myself" he breathes a kiss on my neck. "What for example?" "For example..." he pauses briefly.

"Our wedding"

TW ends here

Pov Wilhelm
He turns to me with a surprised expression on his face. "Wedding?" I nod. "How long until I get a marriage proposal, Mr. Lover? Or do I need to do one for you?" he grins cheekily. "Watch out, darling, watch out" I kiss him.

"But I can tell you so much in that regard, not for much longer." "What do you mean by that exactly?" Simon asks confused. I lean forward a little and say quietly in his ear:

"I don't really know what to say. But what I do know is that you are the love of my life and I love you more than anything..." I hesitate for a moment.

"Will you marry me?"

he kisses me smiling. "Yes, I would love that" "Good, then we would have sorted that out too" I laugh because it's somehow akward.

"I definitely won't be able to sleep anymore" "Me neither" I kiss him gently. Since it's the middle of the night, we don't turn on the lights, but we lie there arm in arm and just talk. I know I'll look like a walking corpse tomorrow, but this feels so incredibly good right now.

We must have fallen asleep at some point. I look sleepily at Simon, who is still sleeping. He looks so sweet and peaceful.

My phone vibrates. I reach over to the nightstand and grab it. I'll take a quick look at it.

— Food is ready
— Where are you?
— We have to leave later
— I hope you are aware of that?!

Is what Erik wrote in the chat with me and Simon. I wake Simon up with a kiss and get dressed while he wakes up properly.

"Before I forget. I have something else for you" I go to my desk and take out a small box that was lying behind a stack of files. I got the ring a few weeks ago, but never dared to ask Simon until last night. What can I say, marriage proposals while half asleep are kind of a vibe. And I didn't even have to get drunk to do it.

I press it into Simon's hands. He opens it and stares at the ring. After a few seconds of shock, he looks at me and smiles. "I love you" he throws his arms around my neck. "I love you too" I kiss him grinning.

"And? Long night?" Erik winks at me. "Shut up" I go to the fridge. "Where is Simon?" "He's still getting ready" I sit down at the table with Erik with my food.

"Now seriously. Why do you look like you haven't slept half the night?" he looks at me questioningly. "I didn't slept half the night, that's a fact" "And why?" the door opens and Simon comes in.

"First of all, you're a little bit to curious. Secondly, I just couldn't sleep." Erik looks at Simon for a while. "You don't look any better either."

Simon sits next to him and the first thing he does is ruffle his hair, like always. But I think it's great. I think it's great that they have such a good relationship with each other.

"Can you give me the water bottle please?" I look at Erik. He nods and puts it in my hand. I fill my glass and take a sip.

"When do we have to leave again?" Simon reaches for a slice of toast. "In thirty minut-" Erik tugs on his sleeve. "Seriously?!" He looks first at the ring, then at Simon and then at me. I nod as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

"Well then, congratulations" he smiles. "Come here" he stands up and spreads his arms. Simon and I exchange a quick look and then go to him.

He puts both arms around us. Group cuddling. I actually really hate it, but things are different with Simon and Erik. I love it with them, as stupid as that may sound.

•   •   •

I'm so sorry that it's so weird and I'm also sorry that it's such a emotional roller-coaster. But I had a lot of fun writing it, so yeah.

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