She doesn't have this from me

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Pov Wilhelm
"Stay close to us, please, okay?" I shout towards Freja, who is just running away. "Yes, Dad" I can hear in her voice that she’s a little annoyed by it. I shake my head with a grin and put an arm around Simon's waist.

In recent years it has become a tradition to go to Erik's grave every now and then. First alone, then with Simon and five years ago Freja was there for the first time and now she is always really happy when we go here, I don't know exactly why, but this fact makes me happy.

"How are you doing?" Simon looks at me from the side. "Pretty good actually" I smile and place a loving kiss on his forehead. "I’m glad" Freja runs back towards us.

"Is everything okay?" I ask confused, since she's usually waiting for us at Erik's grave. "It's wet and I can't sit on the floor and I don't want to stand either." She looks at Simon, who knows exactly what she wants.

He squats down with a smile and lets her climb onto his back. "I love you so much, Papa" she puts her head on his shoulder while he stands up again.

"She doesn't have this from me" I say in his direction with gritted teeth. "Are you saying it's my fault that she's so cute that everyone loves her?!" I nod, grinning. "Rude!" we walk a few meters.

Simon turns his head to Freja. "Are we gonna play who's there first?" "Yes!" she seems really excited about it. I take a look at Simon, who says something like

'If I didn't love you, I would have slapped you now'

but then I run off, Simon and Freja are running after me. I take a quick look over my shoulder and smile contentedly. Freja runs as fast as she can and Simon deliberately runs slower.

Shortly before we get to the grave, I slow down and just walk until Freja has overtaken me and stops at the grave, overjoyed. "I was the first here" she grins. Simon and I walk hand in hand the last few meters to them. I crouch down and greet him.

"Was Erik actually a prince too?" Freja asks after a while. She stands leaning against me. "He was even crown prince" I put my hand on her shoulder. "But you're crown prince, right?" I nod.

"Yes, that's right. But before Erik passed, I was a prince. I only became crown prince when he couldn't do it anymore, because he died" "That's far too complicated" I have to laugh for a moment from this saying, because it's somehow true.

"Were you really sad when he was gone?" She looks questioningly at me, then at Simon. "You know, he was my brother. That means I had him around all the time unless he had to go to meetings, so I was very sad when he wasn't there anymore. You know what I mean?" she nods. "Mhm"

Freja goes to Simon. "And you?" Simon crouch down to be on equal terms with her. "I didn't really know him at all, so I wasn't that sad. I was just sad because Dad was feeling so bad." He has that calming tone in his voice that he always has when he talks to Freja about more serious topics.

She's not quite six yet, but she already understands enough that you can talk to her about such things. She is also so interested that she will ask again and again until you give her answers to her questions.

"Makes sense" she places a kiss on Simon’s cheek with a smile and then comes to me to do exactly the same thing. "Are you still sad about that?" she looks worried.

"Sometimes, but not as often as before" "Good" she takes a hand from me and one from Simon. "Can we go home please? I'm hungry" I exchange a few glances with Simon and finally nod. "Okay, good, but first let's say goodbye" "Yes" said and done. We say goodbye to Erik and head back.

At some point I ask: "Freja? Are you sad that you could never have him the way you have Sara, for example?" She thinks for a moment and then says:
"No, I'm not sad. After all, I still have him, even if he's not here."

Pov Simon
"What did she say about that?" Wille has put his head on my chest and is about to answer me when our bedroom door opens and a small figure comes in. "What's up?" Wille sits up.

"I can't sleep" he stretches out his arms and lifts Freja onto our bed. "Did you have a bad dream?" she shakes her head. "I just can't sleep" "Do you want to stay here?" I'll speak up. "Am I allowed?" Wille and I nod at the same time. "Thank you" she lies down between us, smiling.

"Can you tell me a story?" "What do you want to hear?" "Wedding" "Okay. So..." she now knows our wedding almost better than we do. For the simple reason that she always wants to hear it from everyone and I think it's great. After Wille and I have taken turns going through the day and we're all about to sleep, we both kiss Freja on the forehead and I whisper a quiet:
"I love you"

•   •   •

I'm back!!!
Okay it wasn't that long, but anyway.

I'm still not over the first minute of season three, but serious question. Who is over it?

Little storytime how I had the idea for this oneshot: I basically saw an edit and the caption said something like
'Maybe they will never get to live the life they want'
I mean it's true. Unfortunately. I don't know why, but I was emotionally destroyed by it. So much that I needed to write something like this oneshot for my heart. You know?

Oh and if you want me to post more often, I really need ideas

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