I thought you love me

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I dreamed of this and wrote it down right after I woke up, so it has some mistakes in it (at least I think so).
Anyways, Erik lives, only Linda knows about Wilmon and they are better with communicating than in the series.
Also, little spoilers for Young Royals Season 3

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Pov Wilhelm
I open the door to Erik's room without knocking. He sits at the desk and looks at me in a bit shock. "Wille, are you stupid?!" "I could ask you that too." I close the door behind me and lock it. "What are you doing?" He closes his laptop in irritation.

"Are you fucking serious?!" I feel tears forming in my eyes and try to blink them away. That's the last thing I need right now. "What are you talking about?" Erik looks pretty confused. "August told me" He still looks confused. "Initiation" I say quietly. Something seems to be happening in his brain.

"Wille" He carefully tries to take my hand, but I slap his away. "Do not touch me!" I hiss in his direction. "Calm down boy" He leans back, slightly annoyed. "Why did you do that?" He does not answer. "Tell me." I say louder.

"It was for fucking fun, Wille. No reason to freak out like that." "Fun? That's what you call fun?! Are you still doing okay up there?!" I almost scream. "You seriously don't know how to joke? I thought you were a bit more normal" I run my hand through my hair in frustration. "It's not a joke, Erik."

"Did you get hard?" He asks, grinning. "Unlike you, August does seem to have more brain capacity in that regard, because I had a bit, a tiny bit less sick stuff." I try to take a deep breath, which doesn't work so well.

"Then why does it bother you so much?" Surprisingly, he actually seems to care. "Why does it bother me? You said it wouldn't be bad, the Hillerska time. You drove me there, despite the fact that you knew exactly what was most likely going to happen!" "Calm down Wille" Erik's voice sounds soft, too soft.

"I thought I could trust you! I thought you love me!"

"Wille" He tries again. "No. Leave me alone." I unlock the door and run away. On the way out I go to my room and grab my jacket and my phone from the bed.

When I got outside I got into the car that was waiting because I wanted to leave in a few minutes anyway. "Hello Wilhelm" Alexander, the driver, looks into the rearview mirror with a smile. "Please just drive to Simons house as quickly as possible." He nods. "Okay, I'll do it." I pull my Airpods out of my jacket pocket and turn them on.

Throughout the drive I listen to a particular playlist that Simon made for me a few weeks ago.

Shortly before Bjärstad I take my phone and open the chat with him.

- Can you come home as quickly as possible?

~ I can
~ What happened tho?

- I'll explain to you later

~ Ok. I'll be there soon

I ring the doorbell. Shortly afterwards, Linda opens the door. "Hey Wille" Her smile changes straight into a worried expression as she takes a closer look at me. I go in without a word and lean against the nearest wall.

"Simon is not here" "I know" My voice sounds hoarse. Maybe it's because of the screaming at August and Erik beforehand, but maybe it's also because I'm about to cry. "Come here" She pulls me into a warm hug. "The weekend obviously wasn't that great?" I shake my head. "Can I help you somehow?" I shake my head again.

"Okay. Um" She thinks for a moment. "Did you tell Simon?" "I texted him a few minutes before, yes." She slowly lets me go again. "Then he'll definitely come soon. You can wait in his room. Is that okay for you?" I nod. "Good. If anything happens, I'm here." I smile at her briefly and then go into Simon's room.

Why the fuck did Erik do this shit? Why didn't I realize what he was really like before? Is August lying? Although I don't actually believe that, he somehow seems more credible than he did a few months ago. Or is only half of what he claims true and the other half a lie? I don't know.

I collapse onto the bed. There is no one in my family I can trust anymore. And that hurts. It hurts like hell.

The door opens and Simon comes in. "Wille" He hugs me. From then on I can no longer hold it back. I bury my head in his shirt and cry. "Shhh" He places kisses on my hair and makes small circles on my back with his hand.

Pov Simon
Wille has calmed down again a few minutes before and has been staring holes in my wall ever since.

"What happened?" I ask cautiously. "August said something... fuck" Another tear runs down his cheek, but he wipes it away pretty quickly. "I really thought he wasn't like that." His voice trembles. "Who are you talking about now?" I gently squeeze his hand. "E-Erik" Wille sobs.

"What did he do?" "He has... shit... I don't want to go home anymore. They're all shitty." Wille stutters and almost starts to cry again. "It's okay" I press a loving kiss to his lips.

Someone knocks on the door. "Yes?" "Wille's brother is here. He wants to talk to him" Mom's voice is quite muffled by the door. "Wait a second" I look at Wille, who has his eyes closed and is breathing in and out shakyly.

"Do you want to talk to him?" "I want to, but I don’t know if I can" he replies promptly. "Should I be there?" He nods slowly. "I mean only if you don't mind?" "I don't mind, I promise" I stand up and pull Wille up by his hand as well. "Go ahead, I'll come right after you." He nods and goes out the door. I briefly change my shirt because it sticks uncomfortably to my body and then follow him.

The two brothers appear to be discussing. I have no idea what Wille meant by, 'I really thought he wasn't like that' but clearly they're discussing or arguing about something. And even though I can hear what they're saying, I don't understand what it's about. Erik keeps apologizing for the things he said to Wille before, and Wille keeps asking why he did it. But they never once mention what it's really about.

"Wille" Erik begins carefully again, this time Wille listens quietly. "Does it bother you that I'm not as perfect as you think? Or does it bother you that I haven't told you about it?" He looks at Wille questioningly. "Both. Also, it bothers me that you're homophobic."

"Why do you feel so personally attacked about this?" Wille looks around searching for me and when he sees me he smiles weakly. "Come" I reach out my hand for his, he takes it and connects our fingers together. "Just go, please" He says in Eriks direction and then I pull Wille back into my room.

A little more than an hour and stories of what happened in the palace later, Wille shows me a text message from his brother.

– I'm sorry. I didn't knew this, obviously. I won’t tell mom and dad about it, I promise. But we'll talk about it again later, no excuses.

"At least his solidarity still goes so far" I kiss him on the temple. "Mhm" He nods thoughtfully. "I have somehow a feeling that it will be alright. But on the other hand I'm really fucking scared, you know?" "Yeah."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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