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~ 6 years after they graduated

Pov Wilhelm
I slowly open my eyes. It's still the middle of the night, but something woke me up and I don't know what. I feel the other side of the bed. He is not here. Why? Is he on the loo? Or was he hungry?

I sit up, still a bit sleepy. Only now do I notice that the door to the balcony is open. I walk over with my blanket around my shoulders, sticking my head out and looking around, searching. There. On the other side, Simon is lying on a couch.

I can't see if he's awake or asleep from here, so I move closer. He looks at me. I'm scared for a moment. "Hey" I say calmly, with a slight smile on my face. "Hi" he's sitting up a little straighter.

"What are you doing here?" I look at him questioningly. "I couldn't sleep anymore. So I went outside to look at the stars." he takes my hand. "And why are you here?" now he looks at me questioningly. "You were no longer lying next to me, so I looked for you." I kneel down and kiss him.

He slides forward a bit so I can sit behind him. He leans against me, wedged between my legs and looks up at the sky again. I wrapped my blanket around both of us. I look at him. His dark curls shine in the moonlight and his eyes sparkle. That's my boyfriend.


"I love you" I kiss his forehead happily. "I love you too" he smiles and looks deep into my eyes.

I love him. I love him so much.

He cuddles tighter in my arms. "Are you actually excited?" I look at him questioningly. "Because of tomorrow?" I nod. "Yes. I mean, I or rather we haven't been there since we graduated" I'm looking up at the sky now too. "It's like that. But it's going to be great, at least somehow."

Simon takes my hand and runs it up and down again and again. He always does that when he's doing something that doesn't require much concentration and I'm around. I love it when he does that. "And hey, we can shake hands and listen to the choir without any problems, after that we can go home again." I nod.

Nobody says a word for the next few minutes. Simon is still playing with my hand and I am playing with his curls. "Darling?" Simon turns to me. "Yes?" I look at him questioningly. "If you hadn't come to Hillerska, we would never have met, would we?" "Probably not" I smile. "Come on, let's go back inside" he nods and sits up.

We go back into the room hand in hand and lie down. Simon lays his head on my chest and falls asleep almost immediately. I watch him until I finally fall asleep too.

Pov Simon
"Have you seen my tie?" Wille gives me a slightly stressed look. "There" I point to the ground in front of him. "Thanks" he puts them on as fast as he can in the car. We are only a few hundred meters away from Hillerska. We slept a bit late this morning, so we didn't have enough time to dress properly, so we had to do it on the way.

"Look" Wille points to the window on his side. I lean over to him and look out. My view fell on the Hillerska, which still looks exactly the same as it did a few years ago. Shortly thereafter we are driven in front of the main entrance.

The door opens and we get out one after the other. The principal and a boy are standing at the entrance. Wille takes my hand and goes with me to them. We are followed by our two bodyguards.

"Crown Prince. It's nice to see you" the director smiles friendly in his direction. Wille shakes her hand. "I think so too" she turns to me. "Simon. I can still call you that, right?" I nod. "Sure" she shakes my hand. "Hello" "Hey" Wille put an arm around my waist. "That's Mikkel. He'll accompany you today, if that's okay." "That's great. Thanks." Wille smiles briefly in his direction. "Okay, let's go in"

"You remember?" Wille whispers softly in my ear. I nod, grinning. We walk past the window where we kissed for the first time. "You were both here at the school, weren't you?" Mikkel turns to us. Wille nods. "Yes we were" we move on. Arriving at the church, Malin sends Mikkel ahead. We'll go in a few minutes later.

Except for the choral song, which is a song that we used to sing, nothing exciting actually happens. When walking out, someone quickly hyperveniles as we walk past them. Wille therefore seems to be enjoying it very much.

Actually, Mikkel was supposed to show us around, but now Wille is going straight ahead. I have no idea where he's going, but I just follow him, along with Mikkel, the bodyguards and a couple of reporters. Now suddenly I remember where he wants to go. The music room, of course. Why didn't I think of that earlier? He even asked about it.

Once there, Wille takes my hand, pulls me inside and closes the door. "What will it be when it's done?" He kisses me long. "Sorry, but I needed that" he grins. Wille goes to the door and opens it again. All the people who came with us are still standing in front of it. We want to go out again when a reporter stops me.

"You can sing really good, right?" I reluctantly nod. "Then sing something" I look to Wille for help. He puts his arm around me protectively and whispers "You don't have to if you don't want to" in my ear. "" I stuttered. "I'm a bit hoarse today, it won't sound good either, so I won't do it." The reporters slowly lose interest in us and gradually leave. After everyone is gone, except for Mikkel and Wille, I go to the piano and sit down.

Pov Wilhelm
Simon begins to play and sings along. It's his song, or ours, or whatever you want to call it. I go to him and support myself with one hand on the piano. I watch him smiling proudly. I love his voice. It sounds kind of magical, I have no idea why. I turn to Mikkel, he's standing there watching us from a safe distance. After Simon has played the last note, he gets up again. I take his hand and plant a quick kiss on his cheek.

It's getting late and we're back in the car. Simon's head is exhausted on my shoulder. "Are we going home again?" I shake my head. "Where are we going then?" He looks at me confused. "There are two more places I'm dragging you to. One should actually be clear” I say with a grin. "Oh I see. We're going to my mother's, aren't we?” I nod. "Okay, that is good” He takes my hand.

"Come" I put my arm around Simon and pull him with me. "Does she actually know that we are coming?" he looks at me questioningly. "No. But she is at home today, I asked her yesterday" "Well then" we go to the door. Simon knocks and a short time later the door opens.

When Linda sees us, she smiles broadly. "Hey" she hugs Simon and then me. "Hi" we're going in. "Why didn't you say you were coming? And where are Malin and Oskar?" She first looks at Simon, then at me questioningly. "We wanted to surprise you and Malin and Oskar are in the car. We had to promise them that we wouldn't run away and that we're really just here" I laugh.

"Would you like to eat something? I've just finished cooking." "If that's the case, then of course." Simon sits down at the table. "What did you cook?" I sit down next to him. "Noodles" "Cool" Linda places a bowl on the table. "Wait a minute. If we eat with you, won't you have a little bit?" I look at her questioningly. "No, it's enough, believe me"

Simon looks around searchingly. "What are you looking for?" he gets up and goes to the refrigerator. "No. Please don't" he grins at me and pulls a tube of ketchup out of the fridge. "Simon!" I say indignantly. "How often. You don't eat it with ketchup" "Yes" "No."  "Yes."  Linda smiles and shakes her head. "You two are unbelievable" she laughs.

"And Simon?" "Yes?" "It really hurts watching you eat pasta" "Mom" says Simon, with a slight reproachful note in his voice. He sits down again and loads a load of ketchup onto his plate. "Ouch"

Pov Simon
"Seriously?" I look at Wille with a grin. "Yes" he pulls me with him. "It's nice here" he nods in agreement. We're on the soccer field. On THE football field. "It's been a while" "A few years already, yes" he kisses me. "I've always wanted to come back here" he smiles at me. "Me too" he hugs me.

•   •   •

I'm so sorry that it's so long. But I hope you enjoyed it

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