I can't remember

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Pov Simon
I'm on my way to the bus stop. Today I was at school and with Wille all day. I could have stayed longer, but my mom wanted me to be home for dinner.

When I get there, I take my headphones out of my backpack and turn on the music. Somehow I have the feeling that someone is watching me. I look around, nobody here. But there has to be someone.

I take my headphones out of my ears and listen carefully for a moment. Steps. Whoever this is, the person seems to think it's very important that I don't hear them. "Ey" I turn around. "Fag" suddenly I have a fist in my face and everything goes black.

I slowly open my eyes. My skull is pounding really bad. I carefully touch my face. It doesn't feel that comfortable. My hands are smeared with blood. Great. I try to get up, but it's too much effort. So I stay on the grass for a few more minutes. Breathing is tough too.

What happened? Why am i here? I can not remember anymore. The last thing I know is I was going to catch the bus. Oh god mom. I have no idea how long I've been here, but she must be worried. I rummage through my pockets. Here it is. I look at my phone. Fuck. No battery. What do I do now?

I try to get up again, this time with success. On the way to Hillerska I support myself on everything possible because it makes walking easier. I walk around the house because it's less far than going inside. After a few minutes and pauses, I'm finally at Wille's window.

I knock against it. Something is moving inside. In the next moment the window opens. "Simon. What happened?" asks Wille, shocked. "I... I can't remember" I say quietly. "Wait a minute" he picks up his phone, calls someone, talks about something and comes back to the window.

Wille climbs out to me. My headaches are now so bad that I'm almost fainting. He gently pulls me into a tight hug. "Does it hurt a lot?" I nod. "Crown Prince?" I hear a woman's voice say. "I have here..." Malin looks at me. "What happened?" she looks at me worried.

"I don't know. I woke up like this behind the bus stop" "That's not good" Malin climbs out now too. "Simon, sit down" I'll do what she says. Wille sits behind me so I can lean against him. Malin carefully dabs the blood from my face with a handkerchief.

"Please tell your mother. I'll drive you to the hospital, maybe it's something serious." Wille takes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. "I have her in my contacts" fortunately. I don't know if I would have been able to dial her number by heart. I'm looking for her in contacts. Wille pulls me closer again and wraps his arms around me. I press the green receiver, trembling.

"Wilhelm? Have you heard from Simon?" says my mom worried. "Mom?" I say quietly. "Simon. Thank God" she seems relieved. "What happened? Where have you been?" "I... I..." I stutter. I just can't seem to think straight. Wille picks up the phone and puts it on speakerphone.

"Simon was beaten up, it seems, but he can't remember it anymore" he says calmly. "Is it bad?" "I'm fine mom" I say quickly. But it doesn't sound convincing. "I know you Simon" comes from the phone. "I'll drive him to the hospital to be on the safe side" Malin reports. "Okay good. Do you want me to come too?" Malin now takes the phone, switches off the loudspeaker and puts it to her ear.

"Do you need your mother in the hospital?" she asks after a while. "I don't think so" I say hesitantly. "Good" Wille kisses me on my hair. "Yes, I'll take care of him, I promise." Malin smiles. "Bye" she hangs up.

"Can I come with you?" Wille looks at her questioningly. "If that's what you really want. But it could go longer and I don't know how much sleep you're getting" she stands up. "It doesn't matter. A little less sleep doesn't hurt" he carefully takes my hand. "Come on, I'll help you" he gets up and carefully helps me up.

My vision goes black for a moment, but that goes away quickly. Wille put his arm around my waist. "Is that okay?" I nod. We slowly walk to the entrance. When we get there, the car is already in front of it, ready to go.

Pov Wilhelm
I help Simon into the car and then get in myself. I hold his hand while driving. We don't talk much, but I think he needs his strength for other things right now. Eventually, exhausted, he lays his head on my shoulder. I smile and plant a quick kiss on his cheek.

At this moment we arrive. Malin made a few phone calls about us while driving. All of them were actually about our safety and peace of mind. "We are expected at the back entrance" she drives into a small street and stops.

I help Simon back out of the car. Shortly thereafter, an orderly with a wheelchair approaches us. "Hello" I smile friendly and shake his hand. "Crown Prince" I always find it funny how overwhelmed people are when they meet me. "And you are the patient?" he looks questioningly at Simon. He nods cautiously, his face twisted in pain.

"Good, then you can have a seat, I'll take you inside." I carefully help Simon to sit down. Malin is inside, two meters and closer to me all the time. Precautionary measure, she says, it rather annoys me. But what don't you do to make your boyfriend feel a little better?!

After a doctor pressed Simon's face for a few minutes, he lay down. I can tell he's in pretty bad pain, but he doesn't want to admit it. I sit next to him and kiss him briefly. "What do you need?" I look at him questioningly. "I'm thirsty" I turn to Malin. "Could you get something to drink for a moment?" she hesitates.

"Okay. But only if you stay in here and don't move, understand?" I nod. "Thank you" I call after her. "I'm so glad you're here" Simon smiles tiredly. I kiss him in response, longer this time, until my ringing phone interrupts us. I'll take a quick look. "Sorry, I have to answer this, my mom"

I pick up, grinning. "Wilhelm. Malin told me what happened. Are you okay?" I take Simon's hand. "Yes, I'm fine" "And Simon?" she looks surprisingly concerned. "He could be better" I smile at him. "Is there anything I can do for you?" "No, just fine. The orderly said the results would be coming soon. So I guess we'll be out of here soon."

Malin comes back in, mug in hand. "Please call me when you're back in the car" "I will. Bye" "Bye" she hangs up. "Here" Malin hands me the cup. Simon slowly sits up and I hand it to him. He takes a big gulp. A few minutes later, two doctors come in.

Pov Simon
"My face feels like a herd of elephants ran across it" I lean my head on Wille's shoulder. "Honey, you have multiple bruises on your face and a laceration on your forehead mixed with a slight concussion. Did you expect anything else?" he grins. "No, not really" I laugh. "You should file a complaint" he says after a while. "I know" I pause for a moment. "But I can't remember" I say quietly. "The doctor said it would come back, you just have to be patient" "I am not patient" "I know" he kisses me.

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