I feel free

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Thanks to the person who gave me the idea (I forgot who it was😂)

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Probably a little TW here?

Pov Wilhelm
"I feel free" "What do you mean?" Simon looks at me questioningly. It's getting dark and we're lying on the jetty. I put my head on Simon's chest and hold his hand.

"Like I said. I feel free for the first time... I've never really felt that before." He puts his arms around me. "When Erik was alive... he tried his best to make me feel that, but it never really worked" I smile and turn to face the sky. "You guys had a really good relationship, didn't you?" I nod.

"Yes, I think so. He was the only one I really felt comfortable with, apart from my friends and now of course you" I pause for a moment. "The thing is, with very few exceptions, he always noticed when something was wrong or when I was feeling bad. My parents only notice it when I'm standing in front of them crying..." I swallow. Simon kisses my hair.

"Sorry... I don't want to annoy you or anything" I say softly in his direction. "Remember? Before the speech? We said we won't keep secrets from each other anymore, so speak up" I have to smile.

"All the pressure, all the expectations that are put on me... every day... I had my first panic attack when I was ten. What kind of person gets a panic attack at ten? Whatever. Erik was there. He was just there. My mom said I shouldn't behave like that, but Erik just hugged me..." I keep looking at Simon while I'm talking. He listens to me carefully.

"I always wished that I was 'normal'... not a prince... just a normal kid... I imagined it evry day before sleep" I say haltingly. "I once said to Erik that I'm so glad I'll never be king, then he died and I became crown prince, the irony of life" I realize how close I am to crying, understandable.

Simon pulls me even closer, which is really good right now. "Do you remember when you called me in the middle of the night and I came to the football field?" he asks after a while. "I think I can remember most of it. Why do you ask?" he hesitates. "I... I was so scared for you... because... well..." he stutters.

I kiss him demonstratively on the cheek, like that, I'm here, I'm listening to you, take your time. After a while he can go on talking again.

"My father... I don't know how many times I've seen him lying around somewhere drunk or on drugs... that's why I was scared..." Silence. "I promise I'll never do it again... It's not that great anyway, just gives you a headache and videos that load up on the internet at some point, even though they really shouldn't" I laugh.

"Then you've learned something." Simon grins at me. It is now pitch dark and the few lights that are still on in Hillerska are reflected on the lake. "We're both pretty bad at some points, aren't we?" "Is that a question?" "No, not really" I free myself from Simon's hug and sit up.

"Shall we go in?" he nods. I take his hand and pull him up. "Whoever gets there first wins" he starts running. I run after him as fast as I can. Unfortunately he is a little too fast.

Pov Simon
Before I open Wille's door, I take one more look over my shoulder. He's still about ten meters away. I run in and jump on his bed, a few seconds later he lands on me. "I won" I gasp. "Unfortunately" he is slowly getting off me.

"Breathe, how great" I grin at him and I should have left that better. He lies down on top of me again, this time moving is impossible. Wille wraps his arms around me and turns with me once so that I'm now lying on top of him.

We lie there for a while in this tight hug. "Thank you" Wille says at some point. "Thank you for being there for me" "I can only give that back" I slowly release myself from the hug.

"Maybe I can stay here today?" he nods. "Sure, you can always" he smiles. I take my phone out of my pocket and quickly message my mother. "Shall we watch something?" he looks at me questioningly. "Yes, why not" I get off him.

"Do you perhaps have something more comfortable to wear?" "Help yourself" he points to his closet. As I pull out a pair of track pants and a hoodie and put on, Wille turns on his laptop. "What do you want to watch?" "Something nice that isn't bad" "Heartstopper, sure" he grins and goes to Netflix. "We understand each other" I laugh and sit next to him on the bed.

"Which season?" "Two" I answer promptly. "But we already watched it three days ago" "But I don't know it by heart yet" "Oh boy" he puts his laptop on a chair that he has pulled up to the bed. Then he turns on his LEDs and turns off the light. "To your father again" he says slowly, sitting next to me again.

"The medication that August has, you know, your father's, was there a lot of trouble when he noticed it? Did he even notice it?" he looks at me questioningly. "He..." I pause. "He wanted to know if I'm taking the stuff...actually I don't want to talk about it"

"You don't have to either" he kisses my cheek smilingly. I lie down and pull him down with me. Wille lays his head on my chest and turns on Heartstopper.

I wake up to a knock. Last night it got way too hot in the room. Wille said the heaters were turned on throughout the house and that's a bit uncomfortable at times, especially when you still have the heating in your room turned up full blast, from last winter.

Anyway, I had to take off the hoodie because I was so sweaty, but was too lazy to put on any shirt. Why wear one at all? After all, it is Wille, my boyfriend.

Shortly after the energetic knocking has stopped, Henry is in the room. He looks at me, I look at him, he turns around again. "Why are you leaving again?" I ask softly in his direction, not wanting to wake Wille. "I don't want to... bother you" he quietly answers.

"Why bother? Oh" I grin and look at Wille, who is also topless. The blanket covers us both so that it looks like we're naked, but we're not. "It's not what it looks like" I chuckle. "What did you want?" "Yeah... um... outside?" I nod and stand up cautiously. On the way to the door, I pick up the hoodie I took off last night and slip it on.

Pov Wilhelm
I carefully feel the bed. No Simon. But it's still warm. I look around. His stuff is all still here, so I don't assume he needed to go urgently. I stretch and sit up. On the other side of the bed is a t-shirt of mine that I grab and put on.

At that moment, Simon comes back inside. "Good morning" he kisses me smiling. "Hey" I take his hand. "Why were you outside?" "Henry wants to talk to you later. He explained it to me outside because he didn't want to wake you up." "Oh, okay" I say slowly.

"Are you hungry?" I look at him questioningly. "A little. Why?" "There's still half an hour for breakfast, so if you want..." I grin and stand up. "Yeah why not" he kisses me again smiling.

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You probably noticed it from the last few oneshots, but I'm a little big bit obsessed with writing about Erik, I have no idea why. Anyway, I've had so many oneshot ideas the last few days in which he plays some big role that the next three oneshots will probably be mainly about him (also about Simon and Wilhelm, of course, otherwise I wouldn't be posting them here). Just so you're forewarned😂

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