Weird day

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Pov Simon
Today is kind of a weird day. Wille is at home again, but that's not really strange, because it's known to happen quite often.

He usually texts me, but I haven't gotten a message today and he hasn't called me or anything. It also seems like he skillfully ignores me. it's starting to scare me. He never does that. NEVER.

"Simon? What's the matter?" Mom looks at me worried. "It's nothing" I lean back in my chair. "Simon, I know you. So what's up?" she sits next to me on a chair.

"Wille, he... he hasn't texted me since yesterday and he kind of ignores me too. Usually he texts me a lot and today just... nothing." "And now you're worried, I see" I nod. "It won't be something bad"

I'm in bed now. It's not too late but I'm pretty tired. I look at my phone. I've probably sent him about fifty messages since yesterday and he hasn't even read them. At that moment, all gray hooks will turn blue.

He finally saw them.

- Can you please come here

~ What's up?

- You just have to come, please.

~ When?

- Now

~ And how do I get to you at this time?

- I'll send someone over, okay?

~ I still have to ask my mother, but it should work

- Thanks

After asking my mom for permission, I started packing my things. Simply put, I stuffed fresh clothes for tomorrow, my charging cable, headphones and my phone into a backpack, so nothing special.

I'm putting my shoes on when there's a knock at the front door. I know the driver standing in front of it. I briefly hug my mother goodbye and then walk with him to the car.

"We are here" the car drives slowly onto a huge forecourt of the castle. I've only been here once so far and I wasn't inside. The door opens and I get out.

The castle looks pretty scary at night. You only see the outlines and the huge shadow looks really scary. While I'm trying desperately to see as much as possible, the large front door opens and Wille comes out.

When he sees me he runs towards me and hugs me. He's shaking all over and I can hear him sobbing softly. Then it comes to my mind again.

It's his birthday today.

Of course he didn't text me. Of course he's feeling really bad.

"It's okay. I'm here" I kiss his neck gently. He slowly let go of me. I take his hand and squeeze it tight. "Come on, let's go in" I whisper softly in his ear and we go to the entrance.

His legs are shaking so badly that he almost has to lean on me for support. Once inside, I put him on the first available chair. I put my backpack down next to him. He slowly calms down again.

"Do you need something?" he shakes his head. "Good" I smile and kneel down in front of him. He leans his forehead against mine and whispers a soft, "Thank you for coming" in my direction. "For you always" I kiss him.

"Crown Prince, your mother" a woman, a little older, sticks her head through a door, not far from us. "Oh, I don't want to disturb you" she says when she sees me.

"It's fine, you don't disturb us" says Wille after wiping his sleeve over his eyes. She comes to us and puts a phone in Wille's hand. He puts it to his ear.

"Mom?" I slowly get up and wipe my pant legs. "Yes... no... Simon is here... what? No. I couldn't take it anymore... sorry?! We're going back sometime tomorrow afternoon... I wasn't crying. I just got a little cold."

He tries to say the last two sentences particularly convincingly, which might work in front of his parents. "Bye" he hangs up.

Pov Wilhelm
"How are you feeling?" we are now lying in my bed. Simon has his arms wrapped tightly around me, which feels incredibly comfortable.

"Better now that you're here" I smile at him. "I'm glad" he kisses me. "What was going on today And why aren't your parents here?" now he has that worried look in his eyes again.

"Today just wasn't great. Erik is missing. He's missing so much. The fact that everyone is in a mediocre mood today, that's why, doesn't make it any better. My parents went to a meeting last night, but I think that they just didn't want to be here today. They always do that. They always go to meetings when things like this come up. Since Erik died, things have gotten a lot worse. I used to have at least him on days like this, but logically now no more. And it definitely doesn't get any better if it's a day related to him, you know?"

He nods slowly. "Shit" "You can say that out loud"

"There's something I want to show you before we go to sleep." "Okay" says Simon, confused. "Nothing bad" I free myself from his arms and get out of bed. "Come on" I also pull him out of bed by his hand.

We walk down the hall together until we come to a door. I open it, pull Simon in and close it again.

"What is this room?" "That was Erik's room" I walk through the room with a slight smile on my face. "I would have liked to introduce you to him" meanwhile I've arrived at the mirror with the pictures.

I wipe carefully over the one, with the two of us. I miss him so much. Simon slowly puts his hand on my shoulder from behind. I'm watching him.

His eyes wander from picture to picture until he gets stuck on one. "Was that you?" he asks with a grin. "Maybe" "You know what I'm really wondering?" "No. What?" I look at him questioningly.

"Why didn't you just throw the picture away?" "Erik would have done it the same way, that's why. Otherwise I would have burned it completely, believe me." He kisses my neck with a grin.

"Me too" he laughs. "He deserves it" "Definitely" I turn to Simon. "You and Erik would get along well" I kiss him smiling.

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